Crazyguy: john 15 whole chapter and that is true. OldHippie: Thanks for that, I guess they are trying to say there is a rubboff effect as in if you associate by
osmosis you will have fruits.
insight says this about anointed ones regarding the body of christ:
"One who is an anointed member of the Christian congregation, the body of Christ, and who commits fornication is taking a member of the Christ away and making that one a member of a harlot."
but just down from there it says this about non anointed "followers":
"One who is a member of the body of Christ, as well as other dedicated persons who are associated with these spiritually begotten body members, must avoid not only physical fornication but also spiritual fornication."
so they are saying in fact that if you are not anointed you are not part of Christ's body.
KateWild: out of curiosity why do you think the bible is nonsense?