Nursing home campaign they started recently.
JoinedPosts by runForever
Trained to Exploit Emotionally Vulnerable People?
by dontplaceliterature ini don't post here much anymore, but i am working on a project with a few academics from my area who are in the psychology field.
we are looking for printed evidence in their literature that jehovah's witnesses train their publishers/pioneers to target people who are suceptible to being recruited - i.e.
people who have experienced a loss, or who are emotionally vulnerable.
Does money buy happiness and a longer life? You decide...
by Brock Talon ini poured over time magazine's sep 8-15 2014 edition article "who we are" and put together this spreadsheet on the results from their poll.
i found the statistics quite fascinating.. most people would say that "money doesn't buy happiness", but this poll seems to me to indicate the exact opposite of that.
it also correlates education levels with higher earning that result in that happiness.
Pretty complicated subject but I think some of it is basics and some of it has to do with the world we live in.
In western and 1st world economies money is very important so I think it has alot to do with that.
I remember seeing a video about "the happiest people on earth" and it was a small country where the king actively tried to promote
a HDP instead of a GDP(happiness domestic product) and the people were very happy. Also islanders are very happy and they are not rich so
again I think it is partially do to the way life is setup in 1st world economies. Gorillas playing in water are very happy but they don't have money.
So security is important to happiness, health, and relationships which money affords in 1st world economies. I often see rich people excercising much more than others. Stress produces depression which can happen if you don't have money. It might also have to do with genetics - let's face it some people are just smarter than others and this makes life much easier for them when there is alot less stress to be able to achieve something. But happiness doesn't just come from having money alone. If there was no such thing as money but you could have all the things money affords would people be happier? I think so.
How do Jehovah's Witnesses get around this one?
by runForever ini am the vine; you are the branches.
if you remain in me and i in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.if you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.".
according to jehovah's witnesses this only applies to the annointed brothers of christ.
Crazyguy: john 15 whole chapter and that is true. OldHippie: Thanks for that, I guess they are trying to say there is a rubboff effect as in if you associate by
osmosis you will have fruits.
insight says this about anointed ones regarding the body of christ:
"One who is an anointed member of the Christian congregation, the body of Christ, and who commits fornication is taking a member of the Christ away and making that one a member of a harlot."
but just down from there it says this about non anointed "followers":"One who is a member of the body of Christ, as well as other dedicated persons who are associated with these spiritually begotten body members, must avoid not only physical fornication but also spiritual fornication."
so they are saying in fact that if you are not anointed you are not part of Christ's body.
KateWild: out of curiosity why do you think the bible is nonsense?
How do Jehovah's Witnesses get around this one?
by runForever ini am the vine; you are the branches.
if you remain in me and i in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.if you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.".
according to jehovah's witnesses this only applies to the annointed brothers of christ.
Sparrowdown: you are right. I forgot the conclusion of the matter after everything being heard is Jehovah's Witnesses are right and we are wrong, or am I wrong?
How do Jehovah's Witnesses get around this one?
by runForever ini am the vine; you are the branches.
if you remain in me and i in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.if you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.".
according to jehovah's witnesses this only applies to the annointed brothers of christ.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned."
According to Jehovah's Witnesses this only applies to the annointed brothers of Christ. They say only the anointed who are the spiritual brothers of
Christ are part of the body of Christ or in Christ. So here is the question: If the ultra-anointed, ultra-spiritually blessed and holy brothers that rule with Christ and alone have the testimony of the spirit of God that they are his children need to part of the true vine which is Jesus or else be chopped off and burned where does that leave the common Jehovah's Witness? Doesn't that mean they can't bear any fruit because they are not part of the vine -
"apart from me you can do nothing"? Or am I wrong? :)
Do not store up treasures on earth
by runForever ini had a thought about this scripture: "do not store up for yourselfs treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy,.
and thieves break in and steal".
it really seems to fit storing up treasures in the jehovah's witnesses organization.
smiddy, I do not know the total worth of the watchtower. I estimate they spend around 350 to 400 million a year at least though.
3 magazines a month each with a printing around 45 million that is quite a bit. Then at least 200 million a year on personnel. It looks like they have
cinched things up for now but I don't think it would take much to start them on a downward spiral.
Wtwizard, i agree there is something horrible about the jehovah's witness entity named Jehovah.
Do not store up treasures on earth
by runForever ini had a thought about this scripture: "do not store up for yourselfs treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy,.
and thieves break in and steal".
it really seems to fit storing up treasures in the jehovah's witnesses organization.
prologos, I think we agree to a point but I'm specifically talking about the tagline when they say you are building up a good name but the
'deposits' are in actuality with people-humans who assure you that your good rep is safe with them. Yes the pioneering, work, talks were supposed to be blessings but the long term was you were building up a good name... unfortunately it was really trusting in the human organization which then pilfers
the record of your 'works' by now deeming you and your works completely worthless.
Proverbs and the group of thieves.
by runForever inscriptures like this i wondered about when i was in.
a group of thieves who are conspiring to murder a man.
and take his posessions and get all sorts of loot?
Scriptures like this I wondered about when I was in. A group of thieves who are conspiring to murder a man
and take his posessions and get all sorts of loot? That didn't seem realistic at all that this would be such a common occurence
that Solomon makes this specific warning but now it makes sense. If some people decide they want to ruin the reputation of someone else they pretty much do the same thing as this scripture. They 'find and innocent soul' who is an easy target. They 'swallow them alive' in slander. They go after their 'valuable things' which is their credit and reputation and seek to 'fill their houses with loot'. By doing this they look good and the other looks bad without doing any work. And sometimes this results in real death such as suicide. Proverbs 1 : 8-14.
Do not store up treasures on earth
by runForever ini had a thought about this scripture: "do not store up for yourselfs treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy,.
and thieves break in and steal".
it really seems to fit storing up treasures in the jehovah's witnesses organization.
I had a thought about this scripture: "Do not store up for yourselfs treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy,
and thieves break in and steal". It really seems to fit storing up treasures in the Jehovah's Witnesses organization. We build
up our treasure in the reputation of ourselves and the seeming credit we build up by going out in service, acts of mercy, time on quickbuilds and so on.
But really our "treasure" is broken into and stolen by lying slander, from elders who claim we are evil, by disfellowshippings, by the label apostate.
This makes the elders and others look righteous and us look bad - they have stolen our treasure and we don't have anything of that left. Hindsights 20/20 but just thought that this is an interesting way to look at this scripture.
That is all.