JoinedPosts by runForever
If Jehovah's Witnesses were a cereal, what would they be?
by Zoos incult flakes?.
(welcome to the height of intellectual thread topics.
LucK-i-fer Charms -
My experience with a Judicial Committee, when in my early 20's
by Dunedain ini joined this wonderful site, only a few weeks ago, although i have been away from the borg, for almost 20 years.
i didnt introduce myself, on a personal level, but i jumped right in, commenting, making threads, and just immersing myself in this community.
what a time, indeed, to be here, its almost as if i was "called" here, because the week i lurked, and joined, was when all this recent stuff came out.
The Dark Side is strong with them... -
by Terry inon (new testament scholar) bart ehrman's blog, the topic of luke's view of the purpose of jesus'.
death has been discussed.. in that discussion, ehrman points out how luke did not set forth the idea of atonement, rather luke set forth the idea of forgiveness.. on the other hand, mark and paul teach atonement.. these two points of view have been "mashed together" into a package deal, apparently, throughout history by theologians.. _________________________.
someone pays a debt owed by another.
It sounds like the same thing. Forgiveness just means 'let go of'. So wouldn't that be the same thing if God let go of your sin because of faith? Maybe just two ways of saying the same thing. The 3rd scenario Ehrman could add would be on merit of another. 3. You owe someone a thousand dollars but because you are friends with one of his close friends the debtee lets it go. -
me and my new girlfriend
by justthenorm inyou see ive started dating this girl and her family is of strong jehova belief.
now i am not i do see certain things in there studie that is true in my opinion but ive never really been a religion type of person.
i think i want to marry her but i am not a jehovas witness and am not looking to be anytime at all she says that is ok and we can still get married but i dont know how its possible or where we would even do it please i need advice
Hello justthenorm... well... welcome to the fold. How strong willed are you? If you're strong willed they can use that to their advantage. Weak willed as well. Here is the problem and solution. If you are attached to this person but able to resist their pull you will slowly be torn in half as you watch her float farther and farther away. But this depends on how 'in' she is. She has to be pretty out for this to work. If she's baptized you must note that but it doesn't necessarily mean she is committed although generally speaking the chances are higher. You must carefully way the sum total of all factors. Imagine it like a planet- if you add it all up(baptism, family devotion level, personality, practical situation(geography, mobility etc..)) and the planet is too big the gravity will be too great for this to leave the planet. So you must consider every factor and carefully weigh if the gravity will be too great which it could be. Tricky situation but it is doable.
Anybody else consternated about Jesus?
by runForever ini've read the bible as many of you have.
a lot of it makes sense.
i just can't believe.
consternate:"past participle of consternāre to unsettle, throw into confusion." -
Anybody else consternated about Jesus?
by runForever ini've read the bible as many of you have.
a lot of it makes sense.
i just can't believe.
I've read the bible as many of you have. A lot of it makes sense. I just can't believe. Anybody else feel this way? Has someone really came down here and gone back to heaven? -
It all looks so biblical. But the sick thing is they tell you that you can't be part of the new covenant thereby eliminating all chances of passing judgement. -
Today I got a review that left me scratching my head - what do you make of it?
by Brock Talon inas a published author on amazon, i'm used to getting negative reviews from time to time.
it goes with the territory and i'm ok with it.
writing is an art form, so no art is liked by everyone.
This is key comment of his review: " and deft not the type to fall into a "cult type" group."
So he views himself as not the type to fall into a cult type group as we all did.
He is being honeymooned and doesn't want to see it. The trap doesn't go off UNTIL you are in it.
This is the way it almost always is with these study's and I've seen quite a few. They all say the same thing because they are getting attention and don't want to believe that will go away. They don't realize what will happen to them. I am not saying the individuals who are studying with him are bad people but that doesn't matter. The cult is a machine.
Solomon's Temple construction, things you realize when no longer asleep.
by Crazyguy inok so in 1kings chapters 5-6 is where we have the story of the construction of solomon's most holy temple to god, the supreme god.
it says that to build this magnificent temple they used 30,000 men, 10,000 per month.
another 70,000 common laborers in the hills digging up stone and 80,000 stone cutting laborers.
"In their commentary on the Old Testament Keil and Delitzsch call attention to the large quantities of gold and silver taken in Asia by Alexander the Great: 2,600 talents of gold and 600 talents of silver from Damascus, 50,000 talents of gold and 40,000 talents of uncoined gold and silver from Susa and from Persepolis 120,000 talents of gold. (The ruins of Persepolis are located just north of Shiraz in Iran). Thus, though the quantities are very high they are not unreasonable compared to the wealth of other surrounding ancient kingdoms."