I'm from Germany and was 2 times in Las Vegas. Go for it.
I have never regretted my stays there.
i would like to visit las vegas one day.
if you have a choice, would you want to live there?
low humidity sounds good to me.
I'm from Germany and was 2 times in Las Vegas. Go for it.
I have never regretted my stays there.
regarding what some have said here about the wt being a false prophet.. i would like to make my point regarding the wt not being a false prophet... so please, if you can be patient enough to read this, at least try to understand what i am getting at.. a false prophet is one who, according to deuteronomy, makes a false prediction of the future and claims that the prediction came from god, or in other words claiming that 'god has said he will do a certain thing at a certain time' etc.. for example, hypothetically speaking, if someone had claimed: "god will bring about the end of the world in 2010", they would have been proven to be a false prophet, obviously.
but, as an example, imagine a man who claimed the position of a prophet of god, (as moses did, because although he was not the type of prophet that predicted the future.. he was still a prophet or spokesman for god) and that he had publicised worldwide, according to his interpretation of a (for example) prophecy found in the book of isaiah, that the world would end in 2010.. and he had also stated that he was not saying that god will end the world in that year.. but only that there was biblical evidence that god might do so.
that would clearly have been a mistake.
There is no difference between "spirit guided" oder "spirit directed" oder "inspired" - even not for the JWs.
They use both wordings for the bible writers.
*** g71 11/8 p. 28 The Role of God’s Spirit in Bible Writing ***
So, while human effort was definitely involved in Bible writing, the most important role was played by God’s spirit. It revealed information that could not have been acquired through human research. Additionally, God’s spirit guided men in such a way that accurate, beneficial material was recorded.
*** w03 7/1 p. 14 par. 20 “Look! This Is Our God” ***
20 Through his use of such imperfect humans, Jehovah provided just what we need—a record that is “inspired of God” yet retains the human element. (2 Timothy 3:16)
*** w96 4/15 p. 19 Why True Worship Receives God’s Blessing ***Bible translations themselves are not inspired by God.
honda vfr 750.
Do bored German Witnesses take a spin on the Autobahn while in service
Oh yes - they do. At least I was one of them.
The young brothers were almost lining up for a service appointments - to drive from place A to place B via the german autobahn.
That's where my nickname comes from.
I still love it (driving on the Autobahn of corse).
under constant watch of other jw.
being told how your life is run.
everything you do under a microscope.
For a JW-children it feels like hell.
Thanks Atlantis - and take some barrels of cold german beer for the elders-party.
belgium case will watchtower appeal there shunning case.
or will they pay fine an accept defeat.
I vote for appeal. are there any prizes on offer?
emergency contact information.. .
this form may compromise data that unbelieving members of a family don't want released.. download:.
Thanks Atlantis for send this PDF. You are a hero. Take a cold german beer - or 2.
i would like to get some feed back from pomo's who's spouse is still pimi.
since myself and our son's left the jw cult.
my wife has been m.i.a has a mom and a wife.
Same situation my hole childhood. My dad POMO never left his PIMI wife.
This ruined the hole family life over decades - until he died with 82 years. Looking back - if he would have left her - the hole family would have been better. This PIMI mindset ruins everything.
talk outlines you might want and a lot of them are dated 2020.. .
let me know if anyone wants the "original" zion's watch tower issues in pdf and searchable.
... cold german beer for Atlantis
the identity of the governing body – maths virus 2.
here is my latest video..
Great video - I love it.