Venting I am glad you're reading it all now, it really is well written and easy to read. Have fun. Kate xx
JoinedPosts by KateWild
crisis of conscience
by venting inif you were going to skip some parts of this book which ones would they be?
whats the best part?
i know i sound lazy, but i can't read this in bed next to my wife.
AAWA activists burst into a Kingdom Hall in Kent!
by raymond frantz inaawa activists burst into a kingdom hall in kent.
They didn't achieve anything....this approach makes us all look's a shame it makes it difficult to talk about TTATT.
Kate xx
Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis
by cofty ina scandal is brewing in the uk.
for many years gangs of asian men engaged in rape and torture of young girls who were in the "so-called" care system.
it is believed there were around 1,400 victims in north west england, focussed on the town of rotherham.. if reports are to be believed, social workers, police and the cpc knew it was happening and everybody failed to act for one simple reason.
you call the thousands of abused Rotherham girls a drop in the bucket? Where's your fellow feeling?-LUHE
You may as well claim that it didn't happen as claim that it wasn't anything to do with religion and race. It would be equally unconvincing given what everyone knows of the situation.-Simon
I believe it is a drop in a bucket just like my kids are a drop in the bucket, I do have felloe feeling, but it's all about abuse of power, Pat Condell in my opinion is diluting the problem and sensentionalising the Muslim angle. The fact of the matter is in both cases the SWs abused their poer and are not protecting the vulnerable children and families.
It's the furthest thing from my mind to clain it didn't happen, but it happened for different reasons than Pat Condell is stating.
It's a wide spread UK problem that needs a solution, but I don't see anything being resolved before my son reaches maturity sadly.
Kate xx
Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis
by cofty ina scandal is brewing in the uk.
for many years gangs of asian men engaged in rape and torture of young girls who were in the "so-called" care system.
it is believed there were around 1,400 victims in north west england, focussed on the town of rotherham.. if reports are to be believed, social workers, police and the cpc knew it was happening and everybody failed to act for one simple reason.
Kate - I'm sorry for what's happening to you and your family. Of course it is noteworthy to you. I hope that your ex and any criminal social workers get properly punished, and that you and your family get the help you need.-LUHE
Well I don't think you are sorry, what has happened to my family has happened across UK and it's not noteworthy to you, Rotheram is more important to you, and it's just a drop in the bucket. Just saying that proves your ignorance. We are not going to get help, we are being abused by a social worker and there is nothing we can do about it. This is because there are no consequences for SWs and no regulatory body.
LUHE, you haven't got a clue of the bigger picture, you're so easily led by fundamentalist nonesense that sensationalises Muslims issues where there is none
Kate xx
Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis
by cofty ina scandal is brewing in the uk.
for many years gangs of asian men engaged in rape and torture of young girls who were in the "so-called" care system.
it is believed there were around 1,400 victims in north west england, focussed on the town of rotherham.. if reports are to be believed, social workers, police and the cpc knew it was happening and everybody failed to act for one simple reason.
Of couse it's not about race - more likely, it's about the failings of multiculturalism - LUHE
It had nothing to do with race - Kate
All semantiics, it's not about race or multiculturalism, your diluting the problem LUHE, it's about abuse of power by social workers and the court system that they always go along with social workers. Social workers have abused my family too, and you don't seem to care about that.
Kate xx
Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis
by cofty ina scandal is brewing in the uk.
for many years gangs of asian men engaged in rape and torture of young girls who were in the "so-called" care system.
it is believed there were around 1,400 victims in north west england, focussed on the town of rotherham.. if reports are to be believed, social workers, police and the cpc knew it was happening and everybody failed to act for one simple reason.
Nevertheless, is the fact that the overwhelming majority of abusers in the Rotherham case were 'British minority ethnics' noteworthy at all?-LUHE
No it's not noteworthy, it's diluting the issue, it's just one case. What is happening to me and my family is noteworthy and my ex is a British white JW, is that noteworthy to you?
Kate xx
Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis
by cofty ina scandal is brewing in the uk.
for many years gangs of asian men engaged in rape and torture of young girls who were in the "so-called" care system.
it is believed there were around 1,400 victims in north west england, focussed on the town of rotherham.. if reports are to be believed, social workers, police and the cpc knew it was happening and everybody failed to act for one simple reason.
You're not looking at the bigger picture. I have personal experience of what goes on in court with regard to the guilty party having the social workers backing, the courts backing and good legal representation. It's about their system, there are flaws in it. You have no idea what happened to my son and daughter at the hands of my ex and how SWs dealt with it. It had nothing to do with race. My experience is more valuable than anything you say. I know what the system is like and it's about abuse of power.
You have no idea what happened in court anywhere because you have never experienced or witnessed the court case. Social workers break up families and cause emotional harm and put children at risk of physical harm and abuse regardles of race. This to me is not a race issue and those that persist in saying it is are just diluting the problems with social workers today.
It's not just about one case LUHE, widen your knowledge base and look at all the media reports, not just one fundamentalist athiest talking nonsense.
Kate xx
Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis
by cofty ina scandal is brewing in the uk.
for many years gangs of asian men engaged in rape and torture of young girls who were in the "so-called" care system.
it is believed there were around 1,400 victims in north west england, focussed on the town of rotherham.. if reports are to be believed, social workers, police and the cpc knew it was happening and everybody failed to act for one simple reason.
No I don't need to do anything you tell me to do, you need to have an open mind there are scandals about social workers all over the press this is a big problem and Pat Codwell is diluting the issues, it's not about race at all it's about abuse of power.
Here is an example you need to read this and do more research.
Kate xx
How to disassociate? HELP
by Mandrake ini'm looking for a way to disassociate myself, now i'm thinking to make a "public declaration" before a civil law notary (i'm in chile), but i need some ideas about what to put in that declaration, i would like to look the "ks" book to cover all possible sides and make a solid declaration... any experiences?
my plan is to make that legal declaration that would say "i'm no longer consider myself a jehovah's witness nor want to be linked to any of the wt organizations or legal entities, and want all my personal records to be erased"... any orientation will be helpful :).
It really depends on your circumstances. I went out with a bang and recorded my JC, but it was my circumstances that steered me into that direction. If you want to get in there first because you're fed up of hiding your life style and you want to be free from pestering elders then go for it.
You need to do what's best for you.
If I would have learned TTATT before I got DF'd I may have chosen a different way to exit.
Kate xx
Pat Condell on Britain's Cultural Crisis
by cofty ina scandal is brewing in the uk.
for many years gangs of asian men engaged in rape and torture of young girls who were in the "so-called" care system.
it is believed there were around 1,400 victims in north west england, focussed on the town of rotherham.. if reports are to be believed, social workers, police and the cpc knew it was happening and everybody failed to act for one simple reason.
Pat Condell is just another extremeist athiest fundamentalist, in this video he is making absurd claims about what you will get arrested for here in the uk, but he is not actually adressing the issues of social workers and the flaws in the whole sytem.
There is a real problem and Pat Condell is clouding the real issues with his fundamentalist clap trap.
Kate xx