All I would say is now you have learned TTATT you might want to think about making an exit plan. Living a lie can be very stressful or dehumanising.
Kate xx
so i decided to sign up after many years of lurking.
started researching after finding out about ray franz, which inevitably brought me to this site.. i'm still well and truly inn, but don't want to give any information out, i'm sure you guys know the reasons.. since "jay double you .
org" came online, there has been a definite sense of hysteria with everyone who is "inn", and i get a feeling it's going to get a whole lot crazier as the years press on.. one point i would like to raise is that i feel, without a doubt, that 2034 is going to be the new finish line.
All I would say is now you have learned TTATT you might want to think about making an exit plan. Living a lie can be very stressful or dehumanising.
Kate xx
i've been a lurker here for a while.
i'm a jw with issues; spiritually and personally (my marriage).
i like to read what others have written re: jw beliefs, however, is there anywhere on this forum or another website with a simple bulleted list of:.
jwfacts.com is a good source of material. It helped me.
Kate xx
i don't know where to start.
i got married a year and half ago.
some months into the marriage things where discovered.
Dearest Playground,
I deeply feel for you and the situation you're in. You have carefully concealed whether or not you're the husband or the wife in this marriage. However I can tell you that I am the victim of a lying spouse. My spouse lied to the elders and they believed him.
The fact that your spouse make you physically sick is telling. You must stay out of this abusive marriage.
You say you still believe it's the truth, but if it is, why is holy spirit not guiding the elders to help you out of this abusive marriage and disciplining your spouse? Personally in my situation I don't believe the elders were guided by holy spirit. I even got df'd for trying to expose the lies.
Playground, I stayed separated from my spouse and finally got divorced. It has been hard being alone and I have felt isolated at times because all my JW friends have eventually abandoned me. If you want to follow my example and take steps to free yourself I will support you.
I made a youtube video of my experience with Eric at JWStruggle. It's 35 minutes but it might help you through your struggle.
Kate xx
this was interesting... http://time.com/3654731/grew-up-as-jehovahs-witness/.
It seems like Christmas has been ruined for the rest of her life, she always wanted it and when she finally got it, it only brought back bad memories of missing out as a child.
Very sad really
Kate xx
tell us a little about yourself and your family.i grew up in the organization and baptized at age 10 years 11 months.
i lost my father to cancer and nearly lost my mom (thank goodness i didn't) to an illness both in 1999, i became inactive in 2000, and came out of the closet in 2001.. were you a born in or a convert?i was born in.
are your parents / family jws?
Thanks for sharing your story. Sorry to see you're struggling financially. I gave up a good career to pioneer and now I have left and have no current experience I am struggling too. I know how you feel.
Kate xx
i am not a jw ...however i began having bible studies (i d call them watchtower studies).
i was beginning to get lured in and brainwashed into accepting the religion as the true religion...but something inside of me told me there was something odd.
some time passes and i was invited to a meeting and i accepted.
No there are many JW couples who love eachother dearly, learn TTATT and leave WT together.
JWs are in a cult and indoctrinated. He needs to learn TTATT before he can fall in love properly with a Non-jw.
Kate xx
i am not a jw ...however i began having bible studies (i d call them watchtower studies).
i was beginning to get lured in and brainwashed into accepting the religion as the true religion...but something inside of me told me there was something odd.
some time passes and i was invited to a meeting and i accepted.
You are trying to seduce him out of his religion. If he leaves for sex he won't be out mentally and will always feel guilty.
He needs to leave because he no longer believes it's the true religion and then he will stay out and be happy.
If you can help him see TTATT good for you but it's difficult removing someone from a cult.
Kate xx
hi all.. i have noticed that many of our forum members have sought professional help from counsellors who deal with ones like us who have broken free from high control groups or "cults".. my self esteem has been rocked by recent events in the cong, and while i know ttatt it still has taken my joy in life away quite a bit.. as you all know, mentally i broke free from the org several years ago, but now that i am trying to start making the physical break, i feel really unsettled and nervous.. i wonder if a good counsellor could assist in helping me clarify and sort my feelings and emotions , and provide help to take practical steps to cut all ties with the org?.
if anyone can provide ideas of good counsellors, it would be appreciated.. thanks everyone!.
It depends where you are based. I have found in the UK most psychologists and therapists are greatly under qualified and just blame the parents, they have no idea about cults.
In the US however I have heard better experiences.
You are in Oz aren't you? I think many have had success there too.
I hope you can break free one step at a time Stuck.
Take care
Kate xx
well, i made comments on a couple of post already, but i guess i should somehow introduce myself.
i choose the user name to hopefully try and identify my past while working for future changes in myself.
ive been in and out since i was a kid.
Welcome thanks for your story. It was really interesting to read, I am so sorry your wife was unfaithful and you are going through so much. Well done for your recovery so far you sound like you have put a lot of effort into it.
Kate xx
today is my first post on jwd, i was one of jehovahs witness for almost 50 years of my life, i was born into the religion.
i was baptized at a young age and once i got married i was a very spiritual woman as they would call me.
my husband and i served as full time pioneers, we traveled abroad and went to international conventions, did some special pioneer service in other states in the us.
Thank you so much for your story. It's really nice to see people wake up. I am so glad your hubby woke up with you that is so lovely.
Kate xx