Well I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Every time the WT talked science I was duped and sucked in. Now I cringe at the thought of it and the thought I taught my kids such nonsense.
Kate xx
my wife is listening in today.
i hear the speaker talking about "godless" people.
they have not made a thorough investigation about creationism vs evolution.
Well I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Every time the WT talked science I was duped and sucked in. Now I cringe at the thought of it and the thought I taught my kids such nonsense.
Kate xx
do you believe the marketing of jay w org will convert more people or help inactive ones remain indoctrinated?
I don't think the marketing of JW.org alone will indoctrinate people or keep inactive ones in. but I think it helps alongside the lovebombing.
The WT is a very social group. If it's seen to be up to date with modern technology although having old fashioned views it might aid with the recruitment process. But the main way to recruit is through lovebombing, most members are genuine and really care sincerely about the people they preach to. This leads to lots of socialising.
That's how I got involved anyway. I got an instant circle of friends.
Kate xx
"there have been repeated scientific challenges to the.
theory of evolution in the past, and the nonbelievers of evo-.
lution cite them as support for their case.
Well what a wonderful thread. I feel embarrassed to have a belief in God when I see such OP's. I think when you leave WT it's very difficult to maintain a belief in God, but those who post that they do seem to jump into some kind of unbalanced evangelical mode that simply put, is silly.
Come on there must be some believers like me, who haven't gone full swing into this mode. Please post if you have been posting here for a while and still retained a belief but accept that atheists have their opinions too that we can respect.
I am sick of posters like this giving believers a bad name.
Kate xx
long time no see.. so, since i last posted on here, jws drove my sister to attempt suicide again (she failed, but it was close) and drove my close childhood friend to actually commit suicide.
i too kmy sister in and helped her recover.
i think she's going to pull through.
I am so sorry you lost your friend and nearly lost your sister. I hope you can help her get back on her feet and have a little success in her life.
You seem pretty strong and stable. Well done for that I can recognise it has not been easy for you but you have pulled through and are in a good position to help your sister.
Well done
Kate xx
i've been reading many of the postings on this forum for a couplefew years, finally joined today.
i think reading cappytan, and others like that, compelled me to share, it seems i might have a bit of a different outcome than many i have read, perhaps it will be hopeful/helpful to someone.. i was a born-in, 3rd gen jw, my entire family (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and most all of my childhood friends) were in.
some dropped by the wayside as the years went on, but many stayed in, and if they didn't, they still acted/talked as if they believed it was "the truth" and it was their weaknesses/failings that made them stop attending.
Welcome AFreeBeliever,
I too wanted to hold on to the bible as a message from God when I left WT, but sadly the more I read it the less it seemed credible as the word of God.
I haven't experienced any mercy from God, so I really don't believe he is benevolent. However science has lead me to the conclusion a guided process was involved in evolution and so I still believe in a creator.
Kate xx
so i started dating on the internet in june and have met some nice guys.
i have put in a few recent posts that i have a boyfriend and wanted to give an update.
things haven't worked out sadly.. i was seeing him for a couple of months we were having fun and then things tailed off after christmas.
Yes. I have found that you have to weed out the one night stands and friends with benefits.
Normally it's quite easy if you maintain a good level of conversation and stick to safe topics like goals, aspirations, and asking about their past. If they are open you get to see the real them and can judge if they want a future.
Yes George I agree. Indeed but it's fun going out lol xx
Kate xx
so i started dating on the internet in june and have met some nice guys.
i have put in a few recent posts that i have a boyfriend and wanted to give an update.
things haven't worked out sadly.. i was seeing him for a couple of months we were having fun and then things tailed off after christmas.
Believe you me there are the real confident ones too. I do know the genuine ones tend to have nerves.
Kate xx
so i started dating on the internet in june and have met some nice guys.
i have put in a few recent posts that i have a boyfriend and wanted to give an update.
things haven't worked out sadly.. i was seeing him for a couple of months we were having fun and then things tailed off after christmas.
So I started dating on the internet in June and have met some nice guys. I have put in a few recent posts that I have a boyfriend and wanted to give an update. Things haven't worked out sadly.
I was seeing him for a couple of months we were having fun and then things tailed off after Christmas. Not to worry I have a date with a doctor tonight a meal and perhaps the cinema if we hit it off.
I have found internet dating quite fun. It takes up my time and I get human contact in the evenings and weekends. I don't know if I am doing it wrong or it just takes time to meet the right match.
Many times I will strike up the conversation, and other times I will respond to a guy who strikes up the conversation. I sometimes ask them to meet up and sometimes wait for them to ask. I never discuss my JW past on the internet I wait until I meet them in person and usually that doesn't bother them. As I have had second dates from most guys.
I have found a lot of creeps also, and I tend to have a laugh and wind them up, but not too much.
I have also made a few mistakes and been open with guys when I should have found out more about them. So this current boyfriend is not what I am looking for and I am moving on.
Let me know what you think. Feel free to ask personal questions in the interests of other single xJWs wanting to date too who can learn from my mistakes. Give any advice you like.
Thanks Kate xx
to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: survey on use of printed publications .
dear brothers: .
the branch office is working on arrangements for the 2015 regional conventions.
Hahaha money saving for child abuse lawsuits and property investments. WT a charity.....is it heck!!!!
Kate xx
wanted to send this to my "active" sister in hopes of awakening her, comments welcome.
she thinks i am a heathen apostate.... losing my religion.
It's nice that you have got your thoughts on paper, as a fellow xJW I can understand your position and can empathise with how you feel.
But if this is to reach your active JW fleshly sister it's not really going to wake her up to WT indoctrination. You are tearing apart the Bible in effect. You really need to understand what she doubts from WT or what she struggles with and then go from there.
There are many policies of WT that have woken JWs due to having personal experience. For example I was DF'd for exposing domestic violence. My kids witnessed this and experienced the mishandling of domestic violence within WT. They were faced with a DF'd mother and a violent father who was in good standing.
The DFing policy was the way in to teach them TTATT, and wake them up. They are both mentally awake and safe from WT clutches.
Kate xx