Hypocrites.....if they're not going to obey the rules of shunning they should leave WT....they are making things worse for everyone else who is staying stuck in just for family
Kate xx
if you were/are in the sydenham (melbourne/victoria) congo you may be very familiar with this a few years back.
a prominent elder who likes the sound of his own voice (hint, his initials are william saad) yes of quite a well connected family, was on a judicial committee who was disfellowshiping one of his own male relatives for repeated marijuana usage.. this story by the way shows how corrupt the whole system is.
as williams family (elders and c/o) had covered up the previous few sorrid outcomes of his drug usage, they couldn't contain the last public viewing of his drug dependency, witnessed by many witnesses ironically... so they held a jc to disfellowship him.
Hypocrites.....if they're not going to obey the rules of shunning they should leave WT....they are making things worse for everyone else who is staying stuck in just for family
Kate xx
i am new to this forum - it is only a couple of weeks since i have allowed myself to acknowledge and research my doubts.
i am trying to be fair by reading both sides of the story and considering jw official explanation of confusing matters.
one of the issues i have been looking at is shunning - and i was shocked to see the misleading information about shunning on the jw.org website: .
I agree the information on jw.org about shunning is a load of nonsense. That is what woke me up too. I called Bethel about it. It says they welcome repentant ones back into the congregation. I was repentant and wrote five letters to be reinstated and got refused every time, when I spoke to the brother at Bethel about this he put the phone down on me. Fighting for your rights is showing an independent spirit which means you're not worthy to come back.
The information and experience totally woke me up and my kids.
Living in isolation has been challenging though. I have a job, and go to netball, and am dating. But I have no true close friendships, these things take time, if they ever happen at all.
Kate xx
according to these authentic holy verses, you too can share in the assured joy of sweet raspberries from the sky:.
"i tell you truthfully, there were raspberries in an abundance that fell from the sky, bringing great happiness to all those on earth".
from the book of stuckinarut2 4:7. but how can you believe this authoritative verse?.
Yes I agree stuck.....the bible is a load of nonsense.
But I do try and live my life in line with Matt 7.12..... I think it's pretty good advice.
Kate xx
as i write this,im aware of my heart hammering in my chest.ok where shall i start,ill try to keep this as short as possible.ive never been religious before in my life,the occasional wedding or funeral was the only time ive been in a church or viewed a bibles cover.in 2013 my step-dad was diagnosed with cancer and had to go for an operation to remove the tumor.i became close to his nephew and we communicated a lot and had a few strong feelings for each other,but neither of us told anyone,it was just harmless flirting and a few hugs that lasted a bit longer than normal.two days after my dads operation,he died through complications,and my path of self destruct was set.my boss had also been sexually harassing me at work and i was unfairly dismissed and was told by my landlord that i was to pay the rent or be evicted.then out of the blue my cousin tells me he was an unbaptised publisher (he was baptised at the aug convention last year)and to start having faith in god,that it would all work out.so i went to a kh and took up a study.that was a year ago and they now feel im ready to become a publisher.the thing is..i was made homless and am living with a jw of 50 years,a real spiritual person.these last two months ive been researching and i simply like you all disagree with so much of it.for the past twi weeks ive avoided meetings because of work,or pretended im at work and stayed away from the home i have with this witness.i cant afford to leave but at same time im being pushed to go into ministry and meetings.guys what the hell am i going to do?im so trapped scared and i cant believe i wanted to get baptised!
!my son lives with his dad and there trying to get a hold on him when he visits me!
Welcome and well done for seeing through the pretence of th WT.
Now you need to find somewhere else to rent for your sons sake so he can visit you start looking for other housing solutions....it's the most basic of all needs and is a priority.
I hope you find somewhere
Kate xx
i started this topic 5 years ago letting everyone know i had decide to get my ged and go to college in hopes of getting an education so that i could have a career instead of just a job.
i wanted fulfillment and a future, not just another job that has no really future in it.
i had a horrible conversation with my 14 year old last night which i regret.
im still in but doubting more and more every day.. she is recently baptized.
she is outgoing and gorgeous and make friends easily, although not so much with the sisters in our hall, who pick her up and drop her again regularly , leaving her out of parties etc but then bringing her back into the circle, dropping her again...and so on.
You seem to be being inconsistent. That's only to be expected when you first learn TTATT.
Are you glad your son has left? Do you want the same for your whole family?
Both my kids and I have left...we all left in our own time and stayed out.
Having school friends is important and putting it on Fb is not really harmful. Let her find her own way and each step out of the WT view as progress and positive.
Kate xx
apparently it was announced last night.
i was not informed (for 'legal reasons'), but they phoned my dad and told him.
i understand it is due to my apostate book.
Sorry to hear about your Dfing Mak. I hope your family don't shun you. Congratulations on your book I hope it was cathartic to write and helps many wake up.
Kate xx
hello all, it's been a long time since i have posted.
well, things have not changed on my end.
i am still going thru the motions.
Sorry to hear how you're feeling. Sometimes spouses do not wake up. But sometimes they do. I think it's a good suggestion by a few for you to stop going to meetings and take your boys to the park or swimming instead.
But if she still goes you may have to accept that she won't wake up. Many couples live like this.
OnTheWayOut is a poster that left but his wife stayed in....they are still married and they just deal with their circumstances.
Kate xx
my wife is a jw, and is teaching our eight year old daughter jw beliefs.
i am trying to teach her about evolution and critical thinking skills.
here is a conversation we had today (as best i can remember it):daughter: "why do bad things happen?
Well done you're doing really well. You also need to develop a relationship which is fun and give her good memories....like playing cards or board games too.....step right away from education and religion. Go swimming and visit museums.
I taught my son TTATT when he was 11 and we read jwfacts.com together.....but it was only possible because we have a close relationship away from religion.
He is 13 now and stays home when his dad goes to the meetings.
Kate xx