count the time they spend on the forum.-steve
I agree, its called pyjama witnessing-Kate xx
just wanting estimations on "how long do you think it will be before the society allows internet witnessing as another avenue of preaching".
i feel it will only be a matter of time.
they have to do something to counteract all the negative stuff.
count the time they spend on the forum.-steve
I agree, its called pyjama witnessing-Kate xx
wouldn't it be nice if they said 'you know what, we've made millions in property sales recently, lets donate a couple million to a philipines relief fund..'
ten vans full, probably just for jw's.
Its our money, we gave it,.. now it belongs to our organisation and it is our business what we do with it. Eleven years talking on this forum did not change that and never will.-emeth.
See what I mean CB....they are deluded into to thinking their money is helping, some of it must be. The point is the bank balance if big fat huge over a billion dollars.
Kate xx
wouldn't it be nice if they said 'you know what, we've made millions in property sales recently, lets donate a couple million to a philipines relief fund..'
ten vans full, probably just for jw's.
hello emeth,
Nice to see you around the board. I am happy for you that you have donated to a cause that you find is worthwhile and you feel truly helps others. We obviously see things differently. But that is okay because you are being kind. Its nice to meet kind people. Kindness is a great quality and many who are kind are not recognised for their kndness, nor do they wish to be.
My cong accounts were read out last night. They have a balance of over £5000. Donations of £500 for the month and expenses around £500. The balance is higher than most publishers personal accounts. It would be nice if some of the £5000 could be donated to the elderly cong members for their heating this winter. They will be cold.
Kate xx
i've decided to start a thread on christian theology, wherein i will lay out what i believe scripture teaches about baptism... because i can.
throughout the first 1500 years of christian history, it was universally understood that the christian is 'born again' at water baptism (and the majority of christians still hold to this) but then many christians started to argue that baptism was just a symbol of obedience, but i posit that nowhere in the bible will you find a verse that claims baptism is just a symbol, instead scriptural references to baptism always claim that it actually achieves something:.
john 3:5 - born of water and spirit.
I dont think Jesus or God really care about if we repent our sins. I see no eveidence they care about human affairs, so going through a ritual seems to me like worshipping an idol.
I have lost my faith in the scirptures, the more I read the more I get frustrated with the hypocrisy of it all.
I have mentioned on other posts the things I find the most hypocritical, was how Jesus treated women and how Paul treated women. But also, how God destroyed millions of people, and then forgave others like Mennasah.
Thats my opinion at the moment
Kate xx
just wanting estimations on "how long do you think it will be before the society allows internet witnessing as another avenue of preaching".
i feel it will only be a matter of time.
they have to do something to counteract all the negative stuff.
Hey thats an idea joe.
At the new Bible School for Evangelisers, they may teach them "skills" to help them preach on "other JW sites". I wonder if that will work. We have a few apologists posting here, who are firmly indoctrinated.
Good point, I don't think it will be long. They might even be given the secret task of identifying "apostates" and getting them DF'd.
Kate xx
wouldn't it be nice if they said 'you know what, we've made millions in property sales recently, lets donate a couple million to a philipines relief fund..'
ten vans full, probably just for jw's.
shouldnt we be able to find out where the money goes? - CB
Yes there are laws and procedures, first off you must put your request in writing to the GB asking for their financial statement of the last years activities. Lets us know when they reply CB.......Then you go to the financial ombudsman.
To be fair it's a lost cause, JWs are going to keep donating and there's nothing we can do to stop them. They are in a cult CB.
Kate xx
wouldn't it be nice if they said 'you know what, we've made millions in property sales recently, lets donate a couple million to a philipines relief fund..'
ten vans full, probably just for jw's.
surplus should offset the deficiency-DD
As if? It's unscrupulous the GB use disasters as opportunities to fleece the sheep. "Donate, Donate, Donate to the King and his Kingdom"
Kate xx
god ordered the killing of men women and children and animals and pillaging of various nations around them.
in some instances god apparently led the way with his might arm.. this is not a question of wether it is right or wrong, but moreso a question(s) of:.
1. if you were there would you have personally participated in those killings or would you ignore the commands?.
confused - I believe in God, I think he gave us an internal sense of justice.
But I cannot believe he wrote such nonsense in the Bible. If anyone ever gave me orders that went against my sense of what is kind, just and merciful, I would refuse and suffer the consequences.
The Holocaust happened because good men did nothing, and others followed orders.
confused, have you heard of the Milgram experiment? He tested subjects on their morals and following orders from authority. Quite interesting.
I hope that gives you a believers perspective-Kate xx
i realized this about myself yesterday.
i was noticing how on a thread i thought about commenting on, i held back out of a fear i still have of speaking out against the governing body.
i have been disrespectful to the god of the bible and openly proclaimed i do not think he exists.
However, if you were to tell them that you think the Governing Body is mean and evil you will be disfellowshipped.-confused
Spot on brother spot on
coma, thanks for bringing this up...this points to the fact that derprogramming is ongoing and there is residual conditioning we all need to look out for after learning TTATT. This is especially important if we have kids, as we want to ensure we don't pass any of this residual conditioning onto them.
Thanks coma
Kate xx
saw an opening?.
if we look at christianity it appears that pauls teaching are what formulate it and not jesus.
paul often contradicts the words that are "supposedly" spoken by jesus repeatedly.
Nice comment Stealth