Here's the link, I think he is too aggressive, but that's just me. Kate xx
JoinedPosts by KateWild
by scary21 indon't know how to do a link but................ video just posted on you-tube called hypocrisy@ bethel by jwfairytail.
he calls bethel several times about the happy@ bethel.
it last like an hour and a half.
Prank call to Governing Body member Anthony Morris III gets through
by Watchtower-Free inalert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
Ok Simon you make a fair point. At work I don't think I could contact the MD if I wanted to.
But as a structured organisation I don't need to as all my questions are answered immediately by my colleagues or supervisor.
The problem with this cult is that there is control of information and members are not allowed to question, so we do end up further up the line to find someone culpable.
I see what you say though.
Kate xx
Prank call to Governing Body member Anthony Morris III gets through
by Watchtower-Free inalert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
As it has been said many time on this thread, raising serious issues would have just ended with the phone down earlier. At least this way it has highlighted to the public that an impossible phone call was made and security breached. Discussing doctrine and policies was not the purpose of the call, but getting through to a GB member was the point.
Due to the fact there are so many bethel leaks, AM3, will take the incident seriously. This is the real point. ex members should be allowed to call GB members and ask them anything they like, but due to the fact it's a cult they can't. Cedars highlights this and reinforces this is a cult.
Kate xx
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I was shy on my first JW.ORG Video, I am so happy sharing God's Organization with you!
by JWCart1975 is the fastest growing media outlet in the world, our local cobe said we are going to take the media from satan's wicked world!
repent before it's too late and come back to the kingdom hall with all your loving brothers and sisters!
you won't find happiness without jehovah's organization and you know it!
Thankyou tv.jw! you are helping my wife wake up!
by stuckinarut2 ini have to thank tv.jw!!!
(im not putting the complete link, but you know what i mean).
after showing my wife the 'trolley song' as we now call it, she was rolling on the floor in embarrassment and shock.. she shook her head, and was clearly troubled by what we watched.. little by little, the org is actually helping more to wake up!
Prank call to Governing Body member Anthony Morris III gets through
by Watchtower-Free inalert..............alert.....breaking news .......... john cedars of jwsurvey has pranked called governing body member anthony morris iii at bethel .
over 2 minutes of pranking .
as i type he is editing the recording into a video .
Pranking about tight pants aside, I for one am glad that Cedars got out the fact that Tony Morris' talks wake up JWs to the truth about the organisation. Tony might realise now more than before that many JWs are getting sick of unbalanced council from the GB.
Obviously he is not going to admit he is responsible for harming many with cult mind control, but at least he is aware that many JWs are leaving.
Kate xx
Using the as a wake up tool with my kids
by konceptual99 inso, i have been badgered recently to do some kind of family study by my wife.
thanks to i now have a really easy tool to use that not only passes this time but actually makes them question the organisation.. our sessions skipping through the delights of the monthly broadcast have been very interesting.
derision at the wooden delivery of the gb.
K99, I am sorry if I offended you. I suppose I am a little upset that I have lost my job, friends, and family to this cult.
I am struggling to get back what I lost and wish I could have faded instead.
Thankfully I did wake my kids up and they talk to me. One has even faded, but still lost all friends.
I understand how bad it is on the other side and can see why many take their time to fade.
Sorry if you feel I was off topic. Please start a new thread for us to let us know how you plan to fade.
Kate xx
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Thank you...
by Garrett insome of you may have seen my previous post regarding my concerns with leaving the organization.. so many of you responded and were so kind and helpful, that is was rather overwhelming.
i didn't expect so many responses.
a lot of you also provided links to research as well as some books to read.
Born in apostasy?
by woodforde ina woman has a blood transfusion during pregnancy.
this blood, obviously, now constitutes the unborn child's circulation.
kid gets born, becomes of age and wants to become a jw.
Oh the joy of freedom..... to be just me.
by franticfran infinally after five years i have finally shut the door very firmly on the witnesses.
i have had this "sister" calling for over the last six months clearly trying to reactivate me,but never mentioning the reason why me and my family left the forfar congregation two years ago.
it was always any subject but the " elephant in the room" well today was the finale.