JoinedPosts by KateWild
Well done Jane....good luck with the exhibition xx -
Thoughts: Convinced that my wife will never awake from the brainwashing
by goingthruthemotions inhello all, it's been a long time since i have posted.
well, things have not changed on my end.
i am still going thru the motions.
Sorry to hear how you're feeling. Sometimes spouses do not wake up. But sometimes they do. I think it's a good suggestion by a few for you to stop going to meetings and take your boys to the park or swimming instead.
But if she still goes you may have to accept that she won't wake up. Many couples live like this.
OnTheWayOut is a poster that left but his wife stayed in....they are still married and they just deal with their circumstances.
Kate xx
JWs through the eyes of an eight year old
by maksutov inmy wife is a jw, and is teaching our eight year old daughter jw beliefs.
i am trying to teach her about evolution and critical thinking skills.
here is a conversation we had today (as best i can remember it):daughter: "why do bad things happen?
Well done you're doing really well. You also need to develop a relationship which is fun and give her good memories....like playing cards or board games too.....step right away from education and religion. Go swimming and visit museums.
I taught my son TTATT when he was 11 and we read jwfacts.com together.....but it was only possible because we have a close relationship away from religion.
He is 13 now and stays home when his dad goes to the meetings.
Kate xx
Thank you for redirecting me to the right organization!
by economy inthank you, jw.net and cofty, for redirecting me to the right organization!.
when i posted why did god permit scriptures to be corrupted?
then i thought, if there is an organization that believes all scriptures are corrupted (which obviously makes it enemy of all religions), that organization is not ordinary, but gutsy, lionhearted, and worthy of close examination!
Ahh well another loony tunes added to the list.
This cult really does mess some people up beyond repair.
Kate xx
by berrygerry ini'm about half-way through the novel "watch how we walk," written in 2013 by a born-in, jennifer lovegrove.. absolutely worthwhile read.. does this paragraph sum up jw-land?.
"i was paranoid again, like i had been back home, as though someone was scrutinizing and judging me.
although i was alone, it reminded me of being at the kingdom hall.
Village Idiot, I got Df'd in April 2012, and woke up in Feb 2013.
I tried to wake up my fellow Df'd brothers and sister as we were all attending all the meetings and trying to get RI'd.
I left WT in Nov 2013....
Kate xx
by berrygerry ini'm about half-way through the novel "watch how we walk," written in 2013 by a born-in, jennifer lovegrove.. absolutely worthwhile read.. does this paragraph sum up jw-land?.
"i was paranoid again, like i had been back home, as though someone was scrutinizing and judging me.
although i was alone, it reminded me of being at the kingdom hall.
The year that I was Df'd three others were Df'd from the same cong that same year.
Never mind the other congs in the circuit.
When you listen to my JC recording you will understand why.
If you want to hear it and you haven't yet just post a request and I will bump the thread or embed the file.
Kate xx
Wife fully awake.
by cappytan ini learned this past week that my wife is now awake.
i just shared the pbs newshour segment with her with no comment other than something along the lines of, "jw story on pbs.".
she is furious at the arrogance of these men.. thats what happens when you get a momma angry!.
Well done great news. You seem to have a good plan
Kate xx
TTATT Billboard outside Belton, TX JW Conventions - Fundraising campaign
by quest81 inbillboard raising awareness of the dangers of the jehovah's witness cult.. short summary.
millions of people's lives are being adversely affected every day by jehovah's witnesses' (also known as jw.org) harmful teachings of shunning former members, refusal of certain kinds of medical treatment, social isolation, and harboring of child molesters.
the goal of this campaign is to sponsor a billboard that will be targeted to current members traveling to the belton, tx conventions july 31st - aug 9th 2015. these conventions attract thousands of current members and hundreds of prospective members.
Thanks cappytan.....it looks like it's just a jwsurvey.org site which is okay too. But I have a problem with the fact that the advertising is focusing on just one problem with WT....not the full problem that it's a cult.
Both jwsurvey.org and jwfacts.com helped me and my kids wake up.....advertising needs to broaden their scope to wake JWs up.
Kate xx
TTATT Billboard outside Belton, TX JW Conventions - Fundraising campaign
by quest81 inbillboard raising awareness of the dangers of the jehovah's witness cult.. short summary.
millions of people's lives are being adversely affected every day by jehovah's witnesses' (also known as jw.org) harmful teachings of shunning former members, refusal of certain kinds of medical treatment, social isolation, and harboring of child molesters.
the goal of this campaign is to sponsor a billboard that will be targeted to current members traveling to the belton, tx conventions july 31st - aug 9th 2015. these conventions attract thousands of current members and hundreds of prospective members.
I tried to go to jwthink.com and that website doesn't exist....I went on reddit.com and the site was hard to navigate and the first thing I noticed was a thread about the best way to advertise.
I also saw a much better poster advertising jwfacts.com. This was much better.
JWs don't leave WT because they find out about paedophile coverups it is more personal. I liked the simple question "what does your religion really teach?" That would have impact I think. It caught my eye. Then the simple jwfacts.com.
Kate xx
Mummy Dear Lies at Assemblies
by Tempest in a Teacup inmy zealously fanatic jw mum is aware of my current "tourist-jw" life.
what she doesn't know for sure is that she's part of the ones who brought me to this.. my mum was a quite moderate jw, she even got publically reproved once.
in our house, there was no daily text, no family study, no eating together, no preaching together, no watchtower study...even though she regularly checked my wt to see if i studied it.. being a single mother, she had a quite busy work schedule, so from the moment she woke up to the moment she went to bed, you'd better not waste a single minute of her time needlessly.
How revealing this all is. I believed every word of it.....hook line and sinker.
Basically the COs must be told to get JWs to lie....big fat liars themselves.
Kate xx