That's really surprising yet good news.
Kate xx
yesterday i had an email from amnesty international about the two sisters in an indian village who were sentenced by the village elders to be raped as a punishment for their brother falling in love with a woman from another hindu caste and eloping with her.. amnesty do a great deal of good work but the real force is individuals who sign the petitions and send letters and emails to political leaders.
people power folks, it really works.
for those of us who signed the petition and the rest of the over 300,000 people who did, meenakshi and her young sister thank you.
That's really surprising yet good news.
Kate xx
i'm wondering why ones on this forum initially became jw's.
if you were born in, why did you make it "your own"?
if you became one later, what was your draw and driving force?
I chose JWs because of the love bombing. I was 20 yrs old at University in a new city and wanted a circle of friends. It was more an emotional decision rather than a logical one. The JWs I met were very loving and thoughtful as they are trained to be. They showed me they were the disciples as they had love. (John 13.34,35)
I left because of the lack of love too. The elders were not kind or loving. If you want to hear a recording of my JC let me know and I will add it to the thread.
Kate xx
Welcome. Hopefully you will get a lot of support if that's what you've come for
Kate xx
i was feeling particularly hopeless about the whole jws being assholes thing and sick to death of pretending so ....
i rang my sister and told her that i no longer believe jws have the truth and the phone went silent, when i asked her to say something she just said if that was the case then she would have to hang up on me and then proceeded to indeed hang up..
so i texted her back immediately with fu..
I am so sorry your sister treated you that way. But I am glad you feel liberated in a sense.
I had the support of some apostates when I left and broadcasted my story across YouTube.
We are here for you
Take care
Kate xx
Yes Mandy,
You can ask me any questions you like
Kate xx
I am British and would love to help Mandy practice her English, not me practice my English
Kate xx
Hi Mandy,
Welcome. I can speak with you so you can practice your English. But I was unjustly disfellowshipped. Are you still ok to chat with me?
Kate xx
it's been years since i've prayed and the last one i prayed to was the god known as jehovah.
just wondering.
I pray to milk, like Punky taught me.
The answer to my prayers are always........yes, no or maybe xx
Kate xx
people tell me all sorts of different opinions.
i seem to feel a constant feeling of dread and anxiety.
the possibility of god existing scares me but so does the possibility of him not.
Hey Blackwolf,
How are you doing today?
Let us know please
Thinking of you
Kate xx
i am a new member to this forum.
i am a current jw who is currently struggling to leave or stay, depends on how you want to look at it.
i have created a new blog, to allow me to have an outlet for the cognitive dissonance in my brain.
Yes sounds like a difficult situation. If your pioneer sister is very zealous she might listen to a problem you have with a fictitious work colleague.
In the bible teach book in the appendix 70 weeks of years is discussed. The start date of Artexeres rule is not actually confirmed by historians as the bible teach book states. You could say you have been approached and can she help you solve this problem.
I found this when studying with my son, and had egg on my face when historians gave a different date to WT.
There are plenty more ideas you could use to test the water
Take care Kate xx