cognitivedizzy, This was definitely written by a delusional JW who doesn't give a shit about others.
Blondie, thanks for finding this piece, it's very likely how things would turn out.
Kate xx
a hilarious stupid wa message is being circulated amongst jws in my area / country.. i had a hearty laugh at the ignorance and stupidity and brainwashed mentality, different people may express different emotions so you have been warned.
day one after armageddon it seems ages since we last heard the gunshots and screams, today has been really quiet.
the last few weeks have been sheer terror.
cognitivedizzy, This was definitely written by a delusional JW who doesn't give a shit about others.
Blondie, thanks for finding this piece, it's very likely how things would turn out.
Kate xx
a friend on facebook posted this.
this is how news should be reported!.
Yes............not a real reporter just satirical like many have said.
Kate xx
a single sister in her 40s and her two single daughters were visiting my mom.
i would say her daughters are in their early 20s.
my mom got sleepy and we put her to bed but the three sisters stayed to finish their drinks..
It sounds like the daughters have critical thinking skills. They are not going to be fooled into marrying an indoctrinated power hungry guy.
The mother is on a losing battle.
Kate xx
why do there have to be wars?
why is there so much hatred?.
the collective answer i came up with is natalisam, or maybe the correct word should be politics?
There is so much war and hatred because many people are greedy and power hungry and selfish.
There are also many individuals that are caring, generous and selfless. We need to do our best to imitate these qualities in our community and with the people we socialise with and our life will be better.
Kate xx
so this is just so nauseating to me when she noddes her head in agreement and in a low voice or sound does a "mmm uh" in agrrement.
but here is the deal, she never aswers at the meetings.
she doesn't go out in service often.
I used to nod in agreement all the time. I was a true believer and used to participate all the time. Always in FS had plenty of studies. So I used to nod in agreement.
When I woke up and still attended meetings I had very different facial expressions when I didn't agree. I didn't agree a lot and soon left.
Kate xx
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
Great to have you back SBF. I have missed you.
Kate xx
my husband was recently subjected to an intervention by his parents.
i am apparently a danger to his spirituality.
after i stopped attending meetings and went apostate hubby decided to resign as a ms to spend more time with me.
This is really good news we love hearing that one's are doing research and might wake up.
Kate xx
third post about the big disappointments that woke me up.
i'm writing them in no particular order.
these episodes made me bitter when they happened.
They are just men. Nothing special, no holy spirit appointing them. But the time they get to the point of being a CO.....they would have experienced exactly how there is no holy spirit so many of them are frauds looking after their own lifestyles.
Kate xx
recently i have just started looking into what buddhism is all about.
i rather like the idea of a personal spirituality.
of trying to be a better person and an acceptance of the reality of life and trying to find an inner peace and contentment.. anyway, i came across this today.
My brother married a Buddhist wife in Vietnam. They have some cultish rituals and superstitions. I think all religion is about control myself and am happy away from it. I feel I have good morals and a sense of justice. I follow the philosophy of many who say "Be nice"
Kate xx
my wife is shunning me.
she is always in cult mode, we don't talk anymore, we don't sleep in the same bed.
i have been sleeping on the couch.
After 27 years I am so sorry you are going through this. It's nice to hear you still love your wife. If that's the case there is hope.
I have faith in you GTTM, you will make this work. Go back to your bed now.
Take care
Kate xx