I haven't noticed this....but it would be interesting to know if the broadcasts are waking people up.
If you know the broadcasts woke you up why not tell us on this thread.
Kate xx
i'm not sure if you ever share analytics data.. but i've been noticing a trend.
it seems that every time a new jw broadcast, we get a seeming increase in new members the week after.. does the data show that?.
I haven't noticed this....but it would be interesting to know if the broadcasts are waking people up.
If you know the broadcasts woke you up why not tell us on this thread.
Kate xx
warning of a long boring post ahead.
i feel like i need to vent my story out, as i feel quite helpless at the moment.. i'm 31 year old, married, father of toddler with another one on the way, due later this month.
i've been serving as elder for about 4 years now in a south florida congregation.
Bonsai....great post xx
what sort of ex jw books do you folks like to read?.
i want to write another one.. i'm wondering what my next project should be...............
To be honest Punk I am all read out of exJW literature. I read COC which woke me up and CCMC to help me wake up my family. But for me personally I like reading things that are completely far removed from JW life. Sorry to say that, but there are plenty of forum members that would read your books
Keep going strong with your projects
Kate xx
Good point Juan,
I was already df'd when my youtube came out but I still didn't use my face. Something to think about xx
if you can, take the time to read this beautifulfully written piece on what its like to live as a gay, enforced celibate witness.
the writer details experiences working for an organization that ostensibly lauds singleness, especially in the higher echelons and bethel , yet inevitability rewards the hard working singleton with a lonely old age and the "increasingly sinister " label of ' that weird single brother'.
the author compares this outcome with that of " eunuch for the lord" paul pondering the silence on his later life and wondering whether he similarly died " alone, largely forgotten and desperately waiting for the paradise ".http://avoidjw.org/2016/01/apostle-paul-complex/.
I read it it was really good and emotional. I feel for anyone who is in that position
Kate xx
on another thread i was asked by fadetoblack about my asd.
sorry ftb i didn't respond, but here is your post again and i will respond on this new thread.. i'm curious to know how you know you were born with asperger's syndrome.
it seems to be extremely hard to clinically diagnose, but popular to self-diagnose.
Thanks Lisa for your post. Very interesting, I have active Apsergers, I am extrovert to the extreme and say a do socially unacceptable things that embarrass others. The spectrum can also be about extremes to one end or the other and not understanding social cues.
Kate xx
on another thread i was asked by fadetoblack about my asd.
sorry ftb i didn't respond, but here is your post again and i will respond on this new thread.. i'm curious to know how you know you were born with asperger's syndrome.
it seems to be extremely hard to clinically diagnose, but popular to self-diagnose.
I think that's what matters most if your comfortable, and you are.
Kate xx
i just "da'd" friday.
i've been posting on here for years but do to anonymity, i had to start with a new account.
would love to connect with anyone that i may know.
Hey Jacob,
Thank for telling us the news. I am df'd and would have done things differently if I woke up before I was df'd. Why did you disassociate rather than fade?
Kate xx
on another thread i was asked by fadetoblack about my asd.
sorry ftb i didn't respond, but here is your post again and i will respond on this new thread.. i'm curious to know how you know you were born with asperger's syndrome.
it seems to be extremely hard to clinically diagnose, but popular to self-diagnose.
Thanks rebelfighter for your post. I also think that as it's a spectrum disorder some things are more challenging than others depending on the individual and sometimes it changes with circumstances. So sometimes it can be hard for a professional to always catch and might be overlooking the problems with diagnosis.
Kate xx
i think the time has come for another letter to the local paper to alert the nice people of berwick what its all about.. my last letter went down well.... .
Wow, did all this start two years ago? How time flies.
Kate xx