My Dear Aspiration,
I am so sorry, I recently had a bout with exactly what you are describing. It does sound like depression to me, the deadened feelings are classic. Paxil works great, but I think you need medication and some professional help. My husband wanted me to get help, I called my doctor and up-ed my dose for a while, I have been on the Paxil for almost 10 years. It allows you to feel again, you may have to tinker with the dose-too much makes me sleepy, not enough gives me the heeby-jeebies. I have been using Dr. Phil's book and HOT DAMN but it works. Go get a copy of LIFE MATTERS, I can't emphasize enough how great it is. Start the book and see how you feel in a couple of days, first you get instant results, but you must settle in and do ALL of the work for lasting results. If you don't start feeling better, get some help, get a copy of the book for your wife too. You will also need a big fat notebook for the work. Share the healing with your beloved, you both deserve it. You can do this.
I know what it feels like to not want to leave the house - been there, all you need is to see the doctor for meds and get the book!!!!! Go from there, if its not working do something else, I know you can do this-tell yourself I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY and mean it. You might have to fake it at first, but soon you will mean it. I've never been in the chat room, if you want to do that, have a little back and forth, I would be happy to share, no I would be THRILLED to share, it means alot to me, I want to help, truly I do.