Very cute rat!
When my oldest son, now 25, was in kindergarten the classroom pet rats decided to get it on, with a litter of babies as a result. My son came home from school and told me he wanted a rat, they were giving the babies away. Aaron wanted a rat and had tears in his eyes when he told me how much he wanted a rat. On the appointed rat give away day, I arrived 45 minutes early so as not to miss out on the great rat giveaway. As you can imagine there was NOT a "great crowd" assembled to partake in the event.
The teacher handed me a mason jar with a piece of cloth held on by the screw band of the jar. In the jar was a very large white rat, not the baby I was expecting. The rat virtually filled the jar and the teacher said " you might want to get home before the rat chews through the cloth." It was very creepy to hold a jar filled with rat! As for "getting home before the rat chewed through the cloth" I drove like a bat out of hell.
The rat made my skin crawl, but before I knew it he became a much loved member of the family. My son named him Ratface and would lovingly cuddle his rat crooning "Oh Ratface, you are the best rat in the whole world." I get tears in my eyes remembering how much Aaron loved his rat. My best friend had a parrot who rode around on her shoulder. So my stepson, then 11 years old used to walk around the house with the rat on his shoulder declaring that it was a par-rat.
We had Ratface for a few years and then he got a case of pneumonia. How, you might ask, did we know he had pneumonia? Well, because when he fell ill and quit eating we took him to the vet. I got antibiotics to dose up Ratface, but to no avail, Ratface passed away. It was very sad and we had a solemn funeral in the garden with the whole family and half the neighborhood kids in attendance. We ALL cried.
20 years have come and gone and we still remember Ratface fondly.
Ratface had deluxe accomodations. We bought one of those garage type freestanding shelving units and assembled it without the three middle shelves and then wrapped the whole works in wire mesh. We put some dry tree branches in there for Ratface to climb on. He had lots of room to roam whenever he wasn't riding around on someone's shoulder or being lovingly cuddled by Aaron.