If there is a god I don't think he hates. And in my humble opinion homosexuals would not deserve to be hated even if he did. I am waiting for the day when the subject of homosexuality is no longer a subject. I mean, do people make an issue of other stuff that people are and do?
My sister is an artist, this makes her react to her environment in a way that is entirely different from the way I as a non-artist react to the same environment. Its who she is. She sees and feels color and light in a certain way, other than my envy for her ability to see and create beauty, I don't really feel it is a "subject" it just is.
I hope I am saying this in a way you understand, I don't even know for sure if I understand it. I mean I hope that someday people will figure out that homosexuality is just another way of being. It contributes to the world no more or less than any other way of being. But until we all get it, it kind of has to be a subject.
Hmmm, maybe like women getting the vote in this country. At one time this was a big subject and was discussed and argued about and it was an issue. Now we don't go around thinking and arguing about it. Obviously women should vote and own property and inherit and do all of the other things that they do, its just not a subject anymore.
My sincere hope is that homosexuality will someday be relegated to the "what was the big deal pile". The whole subject of equal rights for homosexuals belongs in the history books with Orvill and Wilbur-what do you mean people can fly? Are you telling me that there was once a time when this was a big deal? Geeze, how stupid did people used to be?