Oh, I get it, sacrifice some more kids. Well of course that is a perfect example of HUYA( Head Up Your Ass) thinking. I bet the kid on his lap wasn't one of the elder's kids.
yep..........that's what a sister told me today on the phone.. i emailed her because she is in the pedo's congregation and knows the family of the toddler i saw the pedo with.
i needed information and i knew she would be happy to speak to me.. after the initial pleasantries and chit chat, after her telling me how the convention talks brought out that the borg needs to be realistic with it's expectations of children, after expressing joy at my family's happiness since leaving the borg...................i asked her about the brother who's child was being pushed by the pedophile.
when she told me there are 2 kids in the family, a boy and a girl (a perfect package for the pedo), she asked me 'why all the questions?
hey girlie, i know today is a tough day and you are on medication but i wanted you to know how much i love you and hope you feel better soon.
you deserve a million roses but hey, can't afford that!!
i sure hope this surgery leaves you feeling much better in the days to come.
get well sassy, oh and not only do we want you back on the threads soon we hope you get your theads out soon--get it--threads -stitches, o chese I crack myself up. Any how get better and no laughing at my hilarious post here, it might hurt your threads--get it-oh,oh here we go again!!
often, i speak to people who seem to have good jobs.
when i ask how they got that job, then they tell me that finally it came down to good contacts.. many jobs i had were also because of good contacts.
naturally, having a college or university degree is what it takes, but having contacts seems to be what opens doors.. so, how did you find your job, with help from an influencial person, or all by yourself?
hey i just noticed, i made it to senior member....very cool!!.
anyone know what post limits are for these??
hello again, forum members.... well, as many of you have suggested, i?ve been reading, and reading, and reading... i?ve even purchased the book several of you recommended, "crisis of conscience.
" it should be delivered next week.
some of your stories are absolutely heart-wrenching.
I think that is true, but there are also born into's who accept and believe, but later in life leave. I think this is because their anger is greater when they find out they have been hoodwinked and lost everything they ever knew once the doubts take hold.
The ones who join as adults are making a decision for themselves, yes. Maybe it is easier to stay with that, but I think the sense of betrayal is bigger for the born into's.
My mother bought in as an adult, I often wonder what she was thinking.
it seemed like from what i remember the jw's were always looking into so many alternative medicines and fad diets.
and those easy money schemes, does anyone remember these?
instead of just getting a college education they spent so much time looking into job alternatives.
I remember all of the get rich schemes!!! The latest I have heard on the medical front is going Mexico for a cancer treatment. Anybody heard of this? It sounded a bit like laetril (sp?). Anyone remember laetril? I thought that fizzled out years ago. Anyway, off to Mexico for some treatment not available or legal in the US.
Any info on this?
i have long laughed about this so when i saw it, it was pretty funny.
maybe you had to be there.. i was on the city bus this morning, on my way to school.
(i'm in college) anyway, i saw a guy reading a watchtower and i was wondering if he was a real dubbie or had just picked up the magazine off the seat or something.
my ex-wife and i were to start our custody/equalization trial yesterday but due to time constrictions we had a settlement conference instead and it is over!!!!!
financially, i will end up having to pay $5,000.00 more than what i should.. (only because my ex lied about a few things) but i get joint custody of the kids now.
I haven't been here much lately, too much going on - so this is the first I've seen of your story. This just the best news I have heard in a long time. It makes my day, Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sorry your son is brainwashed. When I was that age, I was super-mega brainwashed!!!! I was the best little dubbie girl in the world. I feel sorry for your son, I think some counseling would be in order. At that age it would have killed me to be taken from that religion. And yet I did yearn for some fun, Birthdays etc. . .
If he has fun he will probably feel so guilty, I know I would have. So sad and yet now you get to save him from a lifetime of guilt!!!!!! Best Wishes
seems to me that in the jw religion, virginity is considered to be an essential requirement for the born-into-its, right up until the time that they get married.
seems to me also, that the jw religion, while condemning fornication generally, sets greater store on females remaining intacto, as opposed to males, what with references to "old towels that any man can wipe his hands on" and the like.
very patriarchal.
In my case, waiting for marriage was a disaster. I cried myself to sleep on my wedding night. I just thought "That was it?" Also I was so ashamed that I didn't leave our apartment for a week. I though people would look at me and know what I had been doing. Because it was a terrible sin one day and okey dokey the next. Messed with my poor 19 year old head.
I also found out that I was not in the least attracted to my new husband, which is probably the real reason I cried myself to sleep on my wedding night and for many nights after. Of course I cried quietly and only after he was asleep because a good wife wouldn't keep her husband awake with her misery.
Sad and funny memories,
it's 5:10 and i've been up since 4, i've had lots o coffee and i feel chatty.