Abaddon 1
Astrology 0
Nice game.
on august 27, 2003 mars will be closest to earth than at any other time in recorded history.
it will be at 34,646,418 miles away from earth.. mars went retrograde on july 30,2003 to september 28,2003. mars is the warrior planet.
he represents applied energy in your birthcharts.
Abaddon 1
Astrology 0
Nice game.
i have a 'loyal' witness relative suffering various watchtower-related trials, who, i believe, represents an emerging.
new form of jehovah's witness.
she seems to have a sort of 'spiritual schizophrenia'.
Met: Nice wordsmithing....
She realizes that the religion she enthusiastically joined decades ago has disappearedamidst rules, indifference and the reign of Pharisees
you want fluff, i deliver...... this was in today's newspaper...... the writer is ann landers daughter.
she has her own column called dear prudence.
dear pru,.
Officially, the reason that masturbation is wrong is because it involves sexual fantasizing, which is a violation of Mt 5:28. But if a married person masturbates, and thinks only about their mate, then there is technically nothing wrong with it, by published dubbie standards.
[...adding this to the long, long list of dub loopholes...]
jehovah's witnesses in russia are working with scientology, the unification church, mormons and others in a joint political effort to lobby the russian duma (similar to the us congress) for certain issues.
the name of this joint political lobby in russua is:
public committee for the defense of freedom of conscience.
The WTS is big business with interests to protect and will increasingly need to rely on political and alliances in order to grow, thrive and prosper. The rules about involvement in politics which are thrust upon the membership is about control. If JWs get involved in extracurricular activities, the Society loses control over them, so they demonize such activity and use religious language to do so. It's just further evidence of the slow, glacier-like drift toward the mainstream. Today's young JWs will see many, many changes in the WTS in the next three decades.
a few of us use our real names as our handles, but most of us use something else, such as a nickname or a variation of our real name.
iiz2cool - it was not my nickname (i really don't think i'm all that cool), but that of an old friend named mike prezelj.
i won't go into how he got the name, but it happened when we were all very high, and you had to be there to understand.
Finalist, best handle: Sabine.
for me, (at the time), being appointed at the age of 24 was my biggest happiness.....the worst thing was leaving my first congregation because certain people wanted me out.......were there any particular highs and lows that you will never forget about being a witness?
This thread, especially JH's post, reminds me of that old joke:
What are the two best days in the life of a boat owner?
1. The day he bought his boat.
2. The day he sold it.
a few of us use our real names as our handles, but most of us use something else, such as a nickname or a variation of our real name.
iiz2cool - it was not my nickname (i really don't think i'm all that cool), but that of an old friend named mike prezelj.
i won't go into how he got the name, but it happened when we were all very high, and you had to be there to understand.
Willy Loman is the central character in the prize winning play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller. It's required reading in many colleges and some high schools. It is a classic tale of the conflict between illusion and reality, in which a salesman comes to realize he has been selling nothing of any lasting value and has built his whole life on a shoeshine and a smile. When reality sets in, he can't deal with it and goes on pretending while all around him his world comes crashing down.
i can't get over the the lack of depth that exists in the world of jw experiences.
years ago, the typical experience was how a person spoke the "truth" to one person and the result was that 10 bible studies were started and 7 got baptized in less than 6 months.
notice the experience from the czech republic that i will abbreviate from the 8-1-03 wt......2 witnesses talked to a lady through a closed door.
At the Dist Conv recently, a couple was interviewed; pioneers in some forelorn territory, studied with about 10 people (not that many for two people working full time for two years) and one, yes, that's one, got baptized. When the sister said he was a man who was bipolar, you could have heard a pin drop.
there was a character in the matrix who, after being released from the matrix, got tired of the real world and wanted to have his memory erased and his body put back in the factory so as to live out his days in a dream world.
have any of you ever wished you didn't know what you now know about the wt, or wish you could go back to the life where you had a sure hope and belief as to what the future would bring without your current knowledge about the 'truth'?
being 'unplugged' does have it's disadvantages.
In my opinion it is a terrible thing to loose faith and belief in a power greater than ourselves. I've lost that, I no longer believe in anything related to religion.
I know exactly how you feel, but my take on it is a little different. I'm exploring how people retain their faith and belief in a higher power without all the trappings that the WTS attached to it. I have no profound discoveries to share, yet, but I keep searching. Recently I went to RF's Commentary Press and read some of his essays. If you haven't done that, I think you'll find he went through the same sort of soul searching we're doing now, and he came up with some pretty good answers. Take a look.
jehovah's witnesses
burtchville twp.
-- jim shammus will be the speaker at 10 a.m. sunday when the jehovah's witnesses meet at lakeport state park's north shelter.
I'm giving a talk on how to be more self-rightcheous and cause more division in the witness congregations by being more judgmental.
Dude, it's a waste of time. They have this down.