I just wanted to say "Thank-you" for this forum. Wow! wasn't that original?....
I don't have to tell you all how much good, this board can accomplish. For the last year I have read over and over, how that people's lives have been changed by this site.
Your kindess and advice over this time, have helped me through a situation with this organization. The details are un-imortant, and debating about who I am... would be pointless and harmful. I am just a "nobody" who stumbled onto this site by accident... with problems in tow. (as you do) .
I have debated about this post. Started to post it again and again over the last three days... keep thinking "maybe just leave 'well enough' alone, and let it be".... BUT...
I think you all (especially the newer ones) should know, that there are really good people here. People whom you can really trust... if you need to. There are people here who may not have all the answers to your problems, but sometimes a kind word of comfort, is worth much more than a guy "with all the answers".
Between the intellectuals, who have done all the bookwork and re-search that have helped me... and the comedians who brought a smile to my face.... and the kind people who greeted me personally.... I have managed to accomplish SO much, with my little "problem". Not to mention the perspective I gained... YOU think YOU have problems with this Org.... until you check into this web-site... kinda makes what you thought were "problems".... seem not so bad.
There is a thread on right now... something about "are your prayers really answered?"..... if you have found this site, or these people.... accidentally or otherwise... then perhaps your "answer" may not be right there on a flashing neon sign... but trust me, it is probably right here.... in these thousands of pages of hurt, and sorrow, and regret, and happiness, and joy, and friendship.
I won't mention names.... and I wont be back here to clutter up space... but I just wanted to say "thank-you" to those who helped me. AND YOU WITH THE CUTE LIL KITTY FACE..... YOU know who you are. (oh wasnt that obvious?)
But, thank you. ALL of you. You touched an entire family. You educated me a great deal. You tolerated my spouting off at the key board. I think of many of you every day. Thank-you so much for your kindness.
I hope that you are all in good health and happiness.
--your friend