No. But I did give counsel to a few for beating Jesus sheep when they got up there on the platform and time and again did the "do more" thing. There is nothing wrong with the strength of God's word, but I never put up with speakers who wanted to place their own self contrived loads on the backs of the brothers. Jesus words about his load and yoke gives insight into his kindness.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
Elders who criticized brothers talks for being TOO strict?
by toto555 indid this ever happen to you?
did you ever try to teach god's word the way it was supposed to be rendered only to deal with elders and others who wanted you to "tone it down" or have your "words seasoned with salt" although you weren't saying anything wrong.
you were just telling the truth and they didn't want to hear it.
Final Warning Given Unto Mankind, Tribulation Is Near and Soon Cometh.
by OneTrueGod inverily, thus saith the creator of all things of life and light which are good.
behold the time of tribulation draweth near and is soon at hand; i am in the sun, and the light of the sun and it shall soon darken in the day you perceive not.. .
let this be a sign unto the world that tribulation cometh quickly, the day which darkens soon cometh upon the world.
Why is it that all these folks need to speak their pronouncements in old English? Doeseth it make it a more holy dirge?
Letters to HQ
by Kool Jo inso i've heard of cases where individuals got df'd for writing to the wtbs...but are their cases where individuals have written and actually got a reply to their questions without any repercussions?.
Copies of all letters are sent back to the local elders and the Circuit Overseer. I've often wondered about copywriting a letter and then waiting to see if it gets copied and forwarded to the locals. Turn the tables on them since they are so quick to go after web sites that quote their faux pas.
The WT boys really don't want you writing them. They would rather you drink the Kool Aid and shut up.
Former Long Time Elder, New Member
by James Jackson ini have served 20 years as an elder, 5 years as an ms. was on the district committee in 2010, held various positions on the district , circuit, and rbc level.
probably been on more than 100 judicial committees and even an appeals committee.
was the coordinator in our congregation and deleted because adult child was df ( i kicked him out at the time of his wrongdoing, but that wasn't enough for thr brothers).
You'll find many of us here. Former elders who were kicked in the teeth by others who were jealous of our perceived standing among the brothers or some other stupid thing. Likely you will feel sadness for a while over this. It will pass. As it's been said don't let the 'bast...s' get you.
Have great day.
Bethelites - What Were Some of Your Favorite Meals At Bethel?
by LoisLane looking for Superman in.
i ate at brooklyn bethel twice, 23 years apart.
both times it was fried pork chops, mash potatoes and apple sauce.. just lois.
We enjoyed breakfast Saturday and Sunday mornings at Cadman Plaza restaurant. Pancakes and real bacon and fried eggs and on Sunday the Times and Daily News.
For those using Photoshop from Adobe
by SadElder inwhat is your take on the latest from adobe and their lease only option for future versions of their software?
pay the monthly fee or lose the use of the program..
I don't object to SaaS if I know going in the rules. I have a program at the office that is subscription based. I chose that and knew going in what my obligations were. I object to changing horses mid stream as it were.
I can't believe that all software will becom 'leased' as the mom and pops of the world will just abandon computing. Maybe I'm wrong in my observations. Time will tell. In the meantime I'll look for other venues.
For those using Photoshop from Adobe
by SadElder inwhat is your take on the latest from adobe and their lease only option for future versions of their software?
pay the monthly fee or lose the use of the program..
brinjen: thanks for the observations. Where all this will lead who knows. I'll continue my search for a new vendor, sure don't want to get stuck a year from now with onerous changes.
For those using Photoshop from Adobe
by SadElder inwhat is your take on the latest from adobe and their lease only option for future versions of their software?
pay the monthly fee or lose the use of the program..
The student discount is great for those that can get it. But if you sell your work you're "supposed" to pay the full ride.I'm using CS5 and Lightroom. Won't move on with Creative cloud. Concerned that if for some reason I can't pay the monthly fees anymore I'll lose my ability to open Adobe files or in the case of my Lightroom work lose all the adjustements I've made. I know they said LR5 will be a perpetual license, but what about the future releases?
Searching now for alternatives.
After yesterday and before tomorrow.
For those using Photoshop from Adobe
by SadElder inwhat is your take on the latest from adobe and their lease only option for future versions of their software?
pay the monthly fee or lose the use of the program..
What is your take on the latest from Adobe and their lease only option for future versions of their software? Pay the monthly fee or lose the use of the program.