Just downloaded pdf of Oct study edition, no problems. (6:25PM eastern)
Maybe they had a little glitch earlier.
i checked jw.org earlier today.
the october 1 wt was up, but the pdf function did not work-still you could read the articles.
the october g was up too, no pdf but you could read the articles.. oddly, after the article on belize it had an item about not missing the upcoming 2014 memorial of jesus' death.
Just downloaded pdf of Oct study edition, no problems. (6:25PM eastern)
Maybe they had a little glitch earlier.
we have been told this week that all in the elder and ms body will be read a letter from the gb about "make this the greatest month of activity ever"..... has anyone else had such a letter read out in their cong / servant body?.
i presume it will be all about "recommending strongly/insisting" that all these men should pioneer for the month?.
Reminds me of car dealers advertising the biggest sale ever - never to be repeated, until of course, the next biggest sale ever.
jws look down on others for saying, "bless you" if someone sneezes.
it has something to do with the demons.
another example is that it is considered satanic if a man took his hat off for a lady!
Denim clothing at the dumHall
brother lett was giving the last talk of the day about what they supposedly accomplished in 100 years.
i was just waking up so im paraphrasing alittle(i was dosing off all day) anyways in his introduction he said.
"there is more evidence to prove gods kingdom on the earth is a reality than wind,electricity and gravity is a reality on the earth".
Oh yes... and "we just love this teaching". Lett's famous line from the annual lie fest. Very Pentecostal.
as much as i hate the wt for lying (the writing commite knows it is a lie) there is one good thing they did in the 70's 80's.
to read.. the nwt 1984 audio is very easy to listen to.
(now the nt text is s**t but it is a good reading.).
Bob Mackey from Tampa, Florida did a great deal of the reading, Brian Trevor Forbes (sic?) is the British sounding voice (maybe from Guatemala - time fades the memory), Acts was done by U. V. Glass - long time Gilead instructor, now deceased and a voice in many dramas. Until his passing Glass directed most of the dramas that are recorded. He was great to work with, very kind and unassuming. The Ray Franz reading was later replaced by Forbes I believe.
There was an Awake article some years ago about Mackey's swimming/diving accident that left him injured for life. I looked in my old index but could not find the reference. Mackey, though not a Bethelite, was a darling of the Bethel heavies.
this topic has been discussed before but it is interesting to look at it in the light of the new book god's kingdom rules.. 1903 news paper sermons.
1914 photo drama of creation.
1922 radio.
circular reasoning
so at the convention, one of the talks was about how all people will speak a single language in the new system.
my ears perked up when i heard at the outset "now, we can't be dogmatic about this" because that immediately makes me think that they're backing away from a previously dogmatic stance.
he went on to say that everyone will be speaking hebrew in the new system because "evidently" (another word that gets my ears to perk up these days) that was what was spoken before the languages were confused at bable.
I remember from somewhere years ago a statement that what Adam and Eve spoke was called proto-hebrew maybe proto-hebraic. And it was that language that would be spoken in the new world. Maybe someone who has a better memory can dig up the WT source. It was too long ago to remember the context of the discussion. The WT library does referrence paleo-hebew in the appearance of the tetragrammaton in some texts.
coming soon to a district convention near you, it's the aposto-blimp!.
be on the lookout for the latest technology for telling the truth about the truth: a five meter long, helium filled blimp which will cruise about the hapless fools at a district convention.
made from tear-resistant mylar with propellors powered by lightweight lithium power cells, the blimp will be guided by a small computer with gps assistance and will follow its flight path in and around the stadium for hours at a time.
Don't some of these large venues now have prohibitions against flyovers due to the terrorism risks?
they were written in hebrew script and were popular during the early 70's, when i came into the jw's.. as i recall, there was a qfr concerning them.. anyone else remember?.
trying to make rcs less of a snorefest.
not exactly award winning either, but worth a laugh.
kate xx.
Ted "the Boss: Jaracz would be having a fit if this were to occur during his reign... err... I meant life. He was the reason that Branch dedications stopped having musical programs. He made a trip to a foreign country (don't remember where maybe Chile) where they had a program of local musical culture and he had a fit. Gilead dedications became even more boring elininating any semblance of entertainment.
I used to say that if the Kingdub Hall is supposed to be the center for true worship, why weren't they also places for picnics and food and other things for wholesome entertainment? Did I get the looks over that.