This just popped up this morning in my news briefs.
Guess they'll start asking for money to build a new building now.
this just popped up this morning in my news briefs..
guess they'll start asking for money to build a new building now..
This just popped up this morning in my news briefs.
Guess they'll start asking for money to build a new building now.
i have to share.
i went to the supermarket last night and got one item.
i placed the 10 dollar bill on the item.
Had a similar thing happen in a gas station near the house. Went in to prepay because the card scanner wasn't working. Held out my card to the foreign person behind the counter who promptly told me he didn't want the money presented that way put on counter or some such expression. Couldn't understand his English/Hindi. Told him he won't get my money then as I could go across the street to people who weren't so rude, and did that. Mind you I have used this Shell station for years. Called Shell customer service. Never saw the guy again.
someone made reference in another post that the awake magazine had ceased publication.
maybe i missed it since i have not been on here as much in the last 6 months.
is this true?
Announcement coming soon:
It was at the 1990 Cedar Point "Somewhere in our dreams" convention that it was pointed out that the works of the modern day locust would soon draw to a close. In that end we see the end of the publishing of the Asleep magazine has now arrived. We rejoice with you in seeing this further understanding carried forth.
don't know how many of y'all still watch it.. this month's topic is "the king of the north" - cook goes into monotonous detail over the jw interpretation about rome, germany, ussr, russia, etc.. leaving aside for other commentators the emotionally manipulative videos of jws in russian holding cells, the tearjerker interviews, the god-awful stiffness of cook (i suspect he has never genuinely smiled, much less laughed, in his 60+ years), just thought i'd comment on one topic.. the centerpiece of the program is a "morning worship" monologue from splane.
let's again just leave to the side the dude's pomposity, smugness, and inflated sense of his own genius, and think about this part of his monologue.. he was tracing the history of the "king of the north" and talked about how "britain" (not england, not the united kingdom, not great britain, but "britain" - no idea why they have that fixation - anyway...) became the kotn in the 19th century.. paraphrasing his comments: "britain would not have become kotn if france had its way.
france was much wealthier and more powerful, but at the battle of waterloo, britain defeated france.
David LET ME Splane you fancies himself as the modern day Fred Franz I think. Just ask him about the oveflapping (sic) generation(s) he'll give you a complete farcical rundown. Have a drink of Tight Pants Tony's Scotch first.
They have to have the troops in place for indoctrination soon or they will lose control.
so, in the uk, during the early stages of covid there was a groundswell of appreciation for the nhs for their front-line sacrifice.
this was crystallised into a regular clapping/whistling/noise making session every thursday at 8pm.. "harmless" you would have thought, "a gesture of appreciation", "what could possibly be wrong with joining in on that innocent activity?".
well, the co during his recent rounds had a different view.
Given this reasoning then, if a minister living next door stopped and saved your life by performing CPR on you while you were having a life threatening incident, you should not thank him but turn your back on him. What a crock of moldy Watchtowers.
do you believe org gonna go back to regular meetings in khs?
i highly doubt that.
reason is, pedophile situation.
They must return to regular meetings or they will lose control. Many have already discovered that they like being away from the eldubs and the snoops. It will be interesting to see what the fallout is after they attempt to get everyone back in line.
here the arch bishop of canterbury's dean shows jw broadcast how it's done.....or rather his cat does!
no hate speech, no lying, no over-done, fake news caster-y backdrop.and most of all no genocidal threats!.
just a garden, a nice cup of tea and cats!.
Perhaps they could have an interview with Tight Pants Tony sharing his thoughts on the various brands of Scotch and Irish whiskey. Certain to be a spirit filled review.
i remember that jehovah's witnesses used to have a 2-hour, 2-part mid-week meeting which included a 1-hour "ministry school" followed by a 1-hour "service meeting".
please correct me if i am wrong in any respect but to the best of my memory the ministry school was composed of 4 parts, as follows:.
part 1: an "instruction talk".
Phizzy how true... there were some good teachers and some who had no clue. The "School Servant" job was one that most tried to get out of as you always had to be prepared and sometimes had to deal with several no shows on one night.
i remember that jehovah's witnesses used to have a 2-hour, 2-part mid-week meeting which included a 1-hour "ministry school" followed by a 1-hour "service meeting".
please correct me if i am wrong in any respect but to the best of my memory the ministry school was composed of 4 parts, as follows:.
part 1: an "instruction talk".
At one time there was an actual attempt to train speakers. Now they go through the motions and serve up spiritual pablum. Remember the old Qualified To Be Ministers book both the green and gray ones? There were subsequent iterations to attempt some semblance of training but like everything else a dumbing down continued. Do they actually have any training instruction or books now?
"Students" had counsel slips covering the various speak topics to be worked on and received ratings on their skills.
G - Good; W - Work on (at one time called Weak); I - Improved - If you had received a W on a point you were to work on that point twice receiving an "I" for the first go around and then hopefully a G on the second.