"This religion is a snare and a racket"
JoinedPosts by SadElder
Signs You Would Like To See At Watchtower Convention
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think gb loesch has made some pretty bold statements that could be put in quotes with his picture attached could be a real killer!.
believe and obey only the faithful slave, don't believe any negative comment about us in the press believe only us.. google: child molestation watchtower bible and tract society, klick on wikki.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/jehovah%27s_witnesses%27_handling_of_child_sex_abuse.
New Governing Body member in video
by neat blue dog inhe hasn't been in the limelight before, so here's his debut:.
Booooring voice. Think he could be a worse reader? -
Withdrawing community support in the congs
by purrpurr ini've noticed in the past 10 years that the social support that used to be available in the congs, a shoulder to cry on, elders to help with family/marriage issues these seem to have been purposely withdrawn.
counsel is even heard from the platform that the elders are not there to help people with their problems.. so first in the 80s-90s they take away the congregation get to getters and social events and now they seem to be going one step further in taking away the emotional support for people too.. this will take away an aspect that i'm sure was keeping alot of people in the borg, the community support.
if that's not there and its just about meetings and ministry how many will start to get their emotional support elsewhere?.
Just go in the door to door work and donate money too, that solves all problems.
I don't know why the dubs are always worried about suits, other religions have picnic areas, buses, playgrounds, coffee meetups, after service meals, and so on. They don't seem to be worried about suits. Bet they take in more money too.
Home Depot
by Gorbatchov ini remember that some years ago there was a message with information about watchtower, was owner of home depot, and sold it.. question: was this true?
can’t find any info at google.. do you know more about it?.
EverApostate: Actually around 1980 there was a hush hush project worked on when I was at Crooklyn working on a project. They reportedly did a dog and pony video show about MEPS for IBM. Later I was told there was a deal made with IBM to supply equipment in exchange for licensing of MEPS. After all these years I can't remember the 'heavies' involved.
Advanced Hearing Aid Technology for less than $200
by Bonnie_Clyde inhope i'm not out of line asking this question...just want to know if anyone has had any experience with this.. i just saw an ad in popular mechanics about "mdhearingaid".
it says it uses the same kind of technology that costs thousands more and is less than $200.
it's "high-quality fda-registered, is medical-grade offering sophistication and high performance, and works right out of the box.
Took my 88 year old mother to get hearing aids. Of course she needed the $5,000 a pair kind per the so called doctor of audiology.After 2 weeks and three trips for adjustments, she took the things back. Fortunately in our state they are required to give you a 30 day tryout. Cost me $200 for the "doctor".
I wouldn't expect much from a $200 set.
What if ... a GB member announced he was no longer anointed??
by msecodo inwhat if a gb member all-of-a-sudden thought he was no longer anointed??.
what could possibly happen?
Ulyss Glass partook at one time then stopped for some reason. Later he started partaking again. Never had the opportunity to ask him why when no one was around. He never was a GB member and I think they had some jealousy towards him for some reason.
Is Trump Doing Better Than You Thought As President!
by minimus ini know that some here detested him while others may have simply accepted the reality of who is president.. do you think he is better than you might have thought as a president?.
Haven't fared any better under him. In fact worse. Health insurance increased by 15% thus far, cox cable bill rates raised twice in 3 months, gas up 7% in our area. Local average wages remain unchanged, i have a fixed income so I'm not affected by wages.
All in all I have less money in spendable dollars remaining per month than when he started.
I didn't vote for him nor did I vote for Hillary. I will say that this president has irritated me more in a brief period than any other president. Pence the right wing baptacostle is even more dangerous.
Jolene Chu and James Pelechia?
by Gorbatchov in20 years ago there was some change at the jw bastion.
some windows were opened when the internet became availble.
jolene chu and james pelechia did historical research for watchtower and published about it.
James Pelechia was the dubs public spokesman for a time and then disappeared from view suddenly. Don't know what happened. I have always wondered who he made mad.
Ran across him a few times when on dub projects, always seemed like a nice guy. He was a CO then.
Will The Governing Body Be Resigning From Controlling The Corporation When Things Get Worse And Worse?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwill they be making a lot of their gb helpers full fledge gb?
i think as they continue to loose money and members and contributions dry up, that many might be thinking how to get out of this financial mess with some sort of golden parachute, and hand over the reigns to their helpers.. i'm sure with all this bad that is happening to the corporation they would welcome an early retirement with a nice comfy nest egg away from all this bad publicity away from the public eye.
why do they want to keep fighting a losing battle give over their power for a nice comfy retirement.
As I understand it none of the ecclesiastical group known as the GB are members of any Watchtower, Watch Tower, or JW corporation. Hence they can claim innocence as to the operation of the "Business" of the org.
April 2018 Watchtower
by Listener inhere's a few little gems from the latest watchtower.. 5 many today think that to be truly free, they must be able to do anything and everything they want to do, regardless of the consequences.. this statement is just ridiculous, any normal functioning individual understands the necessity for restrictions, for their own protection and justice as well as for others.
it's a very childish statement with no substantiation and written only to create a perception in jw minds of how worldly people are selfish to the point of being reckless and unrestrained.
they liken adam and eve's sinning which resulted in disaster as being like a pilot not following their designated flight path and make this commenthowever, if the pilot chose to disregard that guidance and fly any route he desired, the result could be disastrous.. this is a very bad analogy because when adam and eve sinned, they had already been forewarned of their disaster to follow.
Of course everything they say these days has to weave in something about donating money. But I would be at a loss to explain what they do with the money.