It is one thing to say this covers the intrusion on a citizen's right - but that right to privacy is a citizen's right whoever is seeking to invade it whether the US Government or the WBTS.
JoinedPosts by ninecharger
Supreme Court Ruling Thursday on Grounds of Privacy
by ninecharger inthursday, the supreme court overturned the ruling in the 1986 georgia case bowers v hardwick.
in essence the court said that anti-sodomy laws are unconstitutional as they invade the citizen's right to sexual privacy.
how will the wt react?
Supreme Court Ruling Thursday on Grounds of Privacy
by ninecharger inthursday, the supreme court overturned the ruling in the 1986 georgia case bowers v hardwick.
in essence the court said that anti-sodomy laws are unconstitutional as they invade the citizen's right to sexual privacy.
how will the wt react?
Two witnesses to the the same kind of sin?
So why has Silentlambs come to exist? Nearly everyone on this site is smart enough to work out what is going on.
Supreme Court Ruling Thursday on Grounds of Privacy
by ninecharger inthursday, the supreme court overturned the ruling in the 1986 georgia case bowers v hardwick.
in essence the court said that anti-sodomy laws are unconstitutional as they invade the citizen's right to sexual privacy.
how will the wt react?
I think the secret elders book is posted on 'Jehovah's' A more seasoned member of this site could point you to where it is posted. The two witness rule seems to be more and more only invoked in cases of child abuse.
One guy sees you smoke (in July) One guy sees you smoke (in September) BANG Disfellowshipped.
One little girl says "I was raped" (in July) One little boy says "I was raped" (in September) Nothing happens. The elders now need two witnesses to each event.
Parents go to police. BANG disfellowshipped - They are slanderers. See Silentlambs web sight.
Do You Feel That Your Parents "Did a Good Job" Raising You?
by minimus inbeing raised a witness, my mother has asked me whether or not i held her responsible for her bringing me up in the way that she has.
i feel that my upbringing is something my mother can be proud about.
even though i do not believe in the "truth", i do feel that she did a good job of raising us.
I don't think that any parent deliberately does a bad job raising their kids.
Good parenting skills and bad are learned at the breast. If your parents did not love you, you would have died as a baby. Everyone does the best with what they are given.
Unfortunately WT gives a lot that damages otherwise good parental instinct - mussnt touch it demons watch your naughty bits etc.,
Before he died my father said the only people in this world he really loved were me my brother and my mom. He got married to hide he was gay, and then abandoned us, to go off and have his fun.
Of course this begs the question about the Big Daddy in the sky. He seems to be very good at killing people to solve problems.
A WT once said even if you were raped or abused that was nothing compared to an eternity of not being raped and abused in the new world.
Just ranting...
New Releases - What is there left to write about?
by truthseeker inhi everyone, and thanks to all for your comments in my recent posts.
i can't always get round to logging on, but do appreciate your feedback.. now for a question - what is there left to write about?
i mean, isn't printing 24,000,000 awakes and watchtowers enough?
The WT thinks the internet IS porn and would close it down.
I think the main reason that the bethel boys have to share rooms is to prevent masturbation. Otherwise those buildings would have collapsed long ago from all that frantic swaying every night...
"Reinstatement Party" Called Off Per The Society
by minimus ina number of weeks ago, i mentioned how my niece was seeking reinstatement.
well, after all was said and done, the elders allowed her back in.
my brother and his wife were giving her a little "coming back" party with about a total of 35 guests.
A practising JW is free to express an opinion, but only that approved by the WT.
"If I want your opinion then I'll give it you."
Euphemism, really!
Supreme Court Ruling Thursday on Grounds of Privacy
by ninecharger inthursday, the supreme court overturned the ruling in the 1986 georgia case bowers v hardwick.
in essence the court said that anti-sodomy laws are unconstitutional as they invade the citizen's right to sexual privacy.
how will the wt react?
Euphemism - you are right, that is why I think they will waste money on court cases instead of spending it on something more worthwhile. There are bound to be people who sue because elders sat outside their house at 3 in the morning.
Further to this, if a single man has a dog could the elders decide to disfellowship on the grounds of bestiality?
Strange how a father raping his daughter when home alone is not recognised as a possibility even in the face of concrete evidence.
Supreme Court Ruling Thursday on Grounds of Privacy
by ninecharger inthursday, the supreme court overturned the ruling in the 1986 georgia case bowers v hardwick.
in essence the court said that anti-sodomy laws are unconstitutional as they invade the citizen's right to sexual privacy.
how will the wt react?
Thursday, the Supreme Court overturned the ruling in the 1986 Georgia case Bowers v Hardwick. In essence the court said that anti-sodomy laws are unconstitutional as they invade the citizen's right to sexual privacy. How will the WT react?
At present, the secret elders book says that if the elders know a man stayed overnight in the home of a homosexual, he can be disfellowshipped. (Whether they can prove sex took place is not relevant.) Or if a man and woman stay overnight in the same house in "incriminating circumstances" the elders can decide to disfellowship, even in the absence of concrete evidence.
My question: will they remove this policy from the elders book to protect themselves from legal action arising from the new ruling, or will they waste millions of dollars defending their right to pass judgment on their flock without interference from the state?
Details can be found on CNN.
I think they will take the latter course.
The New Kids Book Release; Letter Ideas.
by shamus ini think that it would be a good idea to give a copy of that picture of armageddon to any letters that you send to any politicians, legal court cases, whatever the case may be.. the picture is absolutley disgusting, and shows blatant mind control.
a copy of that in with a letter to any politician would wake them the hell up as to what kind of cult this is!
maybe a follow-up letter with the picture enclosed?
More seriously, this is a book that in part, blatantly aims to fill children's heads with fear and terror of healthy sexual curiosity. I see this as the attempt to implant a trigger memory. When a child gets old enough to play "doctors" the sight of a penis will then repel them without realising why. The material in the book (demonic voyeurs and peeping Toms) actually causes youngsters to make too big a deal of this side of life at that age. I had none of this in my non-religious childhood, so when I played "let me see yours and I'll show you mine" I thought girls definitely had the rougher deal and went to play with my train set instead.
The New Kids Book Release; Letter Ideas.
by shamus ini think that it would be a good idea to give a copy of that picture of armageddon to any letters that you send to any politicians, legal court cases, whatever the case may be.. the picture is absolutley disgusting, and shows blatant mind control.
a copy of that in with a letter to any politician would wake them the hell up as to what kind of cult this is!
maybe a follow-up letter with the picture enclosed?
What are the two funny looking things at the top left corner of the picture? I thought they look rather penile (testicles at the top edge of the frame.) The clouds just to the right look like an egg cell emerging from the ovarian follicle. Do I see a little sperm cell approaching it? Is it any coincidence that the three girls being slaughtered are about the age children reading the book think they might be when Armaggeddon comes? (In the mundane sense of the word.)