Hi and Welcome
awww c'mon, I betchya have more than just oneI actually have one question....
Hi and Welcome
awww c'mon, I betchya have more than just oneI actually have one question....
off on hols to greece tommorow.....sun sea ouzo and.... whatever else i can fit in!!.
have fun, and don't work too hard!
Hope you have a safe Journey and a Great time Scooby!
this article states that 2.9 (billion) magazines are thrown out without having been touched by a reader.
go here, and scroll down to the heading(magazine industry is wasting forests).
Well.... I suppose if we tried really hard, we could figure out what to do with all those magazines that are just lying around......
For instance:
Excellent Dust collectors:
or a quick fix for those pesky chair legs that aren't quite level
OR.... how about a fly swatter?
OR... Did you forget to buy the Charmin?
i'm only posting this so as to get a buzz from looking forward to our trip to joy & steve's place in october.. i last went to the usa when i was 12 years old and i'm keen to know what differences to expect.
i know that their service industry is vastly superior to ours, someone told me that restaurant staff are actually helpful over there!.
umm, driving on the opposite side is going to be strange.
Hi E-man.... my wife is a Brit, and we live in Georgia... (just above where you are going)... the biggest thing you may encounter is something called "red-necks". If you see a large group (two or more) do not speak.... it may save your life Below is a short list of terms you may hear, that may be helpful... Notice that "Europe" is pronounced "Yurp".
AIG (noun)(egg)
Something a fowl (such as hen) lays
Usage: "Ma, how much aig money ya git this week ?"
ARN (noun)(Iron)
An appliance used to press clothes
Usage: "Ma ? Ya arned my paints yet ?"
BOBBED WAR (noun)(barbed-wire)
Twisted strands of fence wire with barbs at regular intervals
Usage: "Tore my paints agin on that danged bobbed wire."
BUB (noun)(bulb)
an incandescent lamp
Usage: "The lite bub done burned out agin'."
CHEER (noun)(chair)
A piece of furniture
Usage: "Keep that danged cat outta my cheer."
CRICK (noun)(creek)
a tributary to a river, a brook
Usage: "I'm a-gonna go fishin' down at the crick."
FANGER (noun)(finger)
one of the five digits of the hand
Usage: "Y'all see that thar rock on her fanger ?"
FLAR (noun)(flower)
A plant which blooms
Usage: "A rose is a purdy flar."
FRASH (adjective)(fresh)
New, novel, not preserved
Usage: "Them aigs ain't frash."
GRAIN (noun)(green)
a color whose hue is emerald in nature
Usage: "She was plum grain with envy."
HAIL (Noun)(hell)
The abode of the evil dead
Usage: "Better change your ways or you-en's are fixing to go to hail."
HOLLAR (noun)(hollow)
a valley between the hills
Usage: "Dad-gum place reminds me of Sleepy Hollar."
JEW (contraction)
Short form of "did" and "you"
Usage: "Jew hear that my brother got a job with that bobbed war fence cump'ny ?"
LAIG (noun)(leg)
the lower limb of a man
Usage: "Darned fool dog damn near ran my laigs off."
MAILK (noun)(milk)
liquid produced by mammary glands of female mammals
Usage: "I'll be in the burn a-mailking them kuws."
MERE (noun)(mirror)
a reflective surface
Usage: "Boy's so plum ugly, thard mere he's cracked this munth."
NAR (adjective)(narrow)
of limited width
Usage: "Damn door's a-getin' too nar to fit thru."
PARCH (noun)(porch)
a covered platform, usually in front/back of a house
Usage: "Let's sat a bit on the parch."
PURDY (adjective)(pretty)
pleasing or attractive
Usage: "That Sally-Mae's one right prudy filly."
RATS (noun)(rights)
Entitled power or privilege
Usage: "We Southerners are willin' to fat for are rats."
RANG (noun)(ring)
a circular band
Usage: "Danged fool aisked Sally-Mae to murry him then couldn't ford no rang."
RAT NOW (adverb)(right now)
Usage: "I sed go git 'em boy, rat now."
SHAR (noun)(shower)
A brief period of rain
Usage: "Wish-in' it wud shar some and cooled thangs off a bit."
SKEER-UP (verb)
Locate, find, prepare
Usage: "Hey Ma! How's about skeering-up some viddles."
THANK (verb)(think)
Ability to cognitively process
Usage: "Ah thank ah'll have some mailk."
YURP (proper noun)(Europe)
A continent
Usage: "We'ems a-savin' fur a trip to Yurp."
Do you know how many times people say my wife "can't talk guud aynglish"???
and one more thing .... when someone points out the "historical culture".... just pretend you admire the "old" buildings. "This house is over 100 years old!" They may be quite proud actually... Over here, anything over thirty-five years old is considered an "antique".
or mis-quote... that's even worse.
the one that bugs the hell out of me that my mom would always quote is "out of the mouths of babes" .
regular wine-eer
What scriptures do JW's quote that annoy you?
Pretty much everything between Genesis 1:1 and Revelations 22:21....
other than that... I am willing to listen.
jw's can't do this.
they can't do that.
restrictions abound.
I met my (elder) father in South Carolina, two week-ends ago. Since I could remember, He would wake up, drink a cup o' coffee and then stick a six-pack in his truck, and thus began the day. (I never saw him "drunk" and he always claimed he never drank fast enough to catch a "buzz".)
Nothing has changed after twenty years. He had to drive for four hours to meet me, just as I did. He left early in the morning (before day-light).... by the time he got there, four hours later, he was half way through a twelve pack of Bud. Through the course of the day he finished that 12 pack, and went to get another one... half gone, and some for the next morning.
The next morning he woke up an hour earlier than I did. (I who drank two beers) He used this "alone time" to prepare for a talk. ... and have a beer.
During our visit, (which I have much more to tell... later... and some questions for you guys) He told me that he had to give the Watchtower Study the following Sunday(as part of his duties).... he said, "I always have to have at least three beers before I can do it".
I felt sorry for the man, for some reason. (but I will tell you that part later... interesting actually, and some very strange things going on) I think I was actually a little embarrased for him??
i have a rotater cuff tare and will need surgery.i can live with it (pain)or have it fixed.i am worried that it maybe stiff or i maybe worse off after the surgery.has anyone here had this surgery and how did it turn out.i am not getting it done till i know all the pros and cons.
Hi Kathy... I am sorry you are in pain.
I found a dozen or so links on it. I hope you feel better soon.
What to Expect After Surgery
Discomfort after surgery may decrease with taking pain medications prescribed by your doctor.
The arm may be protected in a sling, especially when at risk of additional injury.
Physical therapy after surgery is crucial to a successful recovery. A rehabilitation program may include the following:
Why It Is Done
Surgery to repair a rotator cuff is done when:
How Well It Works
Rotator cuff repair surgery restores more strength to the shoulder than arthroscopic debridement and decompression alone. The more strength that is restored, the more shoulder function you will have.
In addition to the risks of surgery in general, such as blood loss or problems related to anesthesia, complications of rotator cuff surgery may include:
What to Think About
Massive tears [greater than 2 in. (5.08 cm), or involving more than one rotator cuff tendon] often cannot be repaired. Grafting and patching procedures are possible, but they are not much better at restoring strength than debridement and decompression, which is less risky and requires less rehabilitation.
Less active people (usually people over 60 years of age) with confirmed rotator cuff tears that do not cause pain, significant weakness, or sleep problems can safely go without surgery unless symptoms become worse.
i have been scanning a lot of old pictures from when my girls were small.
(trying to reduce the clutter around here) .
i have been looking at people's faces - jw faces.
Strange that you bring this up right now.... recently, a family member sent me a large collection of family photos. Most of them old, some new.
I couldn't get over the "eerieness" that you describe. If you didn't know better you would swear they were all on the same drugs. Some of the pictures were taken at the assembly.... the girls (my cousins) are holding song-books, mouths open (singing I assume).... but the "dead stare" is there.
The ones of my sister(who never left home... 28 yrs old now)... she looks like one of those children in that old movie "children of the damned"... just creepy, blankness on her face. I thought I was making this up in my own mind... but other people I have shown the pictures to, see it as well..
Happiness.... I certainly don't see it. It's like ... they aren't alive?? Empty feeling? ... definitely creepy.
ps. Hope you are well Lady Lee
parents kept twins, 5, in a filthy cage .
julian borger in washington.
I saw the footage no CNN.... it was absolutely horrrible... the cages looked to be "fashioned" from plastic bread/bun pallets, that had been tied together over the cribs.... it was filthy. So glad to know that they were caught.
can anyone tell me if there are any implications regarding the appearance of the name which appears 13 up from the bottom on this web page: .
yes.... burning it down, would be a waste of time.... they have really good insurance. ???
nah... probably just a good tax write-off ???