Hi Heather... welcome to the forum.... you are going to LOVE it...
JoinedPosts by badolputtytat
How long will you live?
by Soledad in.
my husband will outlive me to 77!!.
62... oh no... I am more than half dead..... oh well should please the "in crowd"
by Brummie inchanged my mind again!
need to go talk to the people involved first.
new question... .
Sorry Estee but your right... it is in OUR nature
by Dansk inthere are a couple of ideas on this.
one is that satan is a corruption of the egyptian god set who murdered the god osiris and was avenged by horus.. the second is found in the religion of the persian zoroaster, who professed the good god ahura mazda who was at war with the evil god angra mainyu, later known as arhiman.
the zoroastrian concept of hell is almost a mirror image of the jewish hell, and zoroaster's religion even had the concept of a purgatory, as well as a last judgement.
sincere question: Is man made in the image of "god" or "god" in the image of man? Yes yes.. the bible says... but where does that leave the other two hundred thousand beliefs throughout history?
How many forms has "the spirit" taken? What about native americans? There are literally thousands of deities in their construct alone. Are THEY all really satan trying to lead man astray? Buddah? Kernunnos? Pan? Ceridwen? The list goes on and on.
Some cultures even have no concept of evil. Only things as they are seen to the beholder.
Did the nomadic tribes of ancient europe follow SATAN who was trying to lead them away from the Hebrew god? They did not recognize Good and Evil. The native americans? again some tribes saw no evil... on that "great spirit" the giver and taker of live.
by Brummie inchanged my mind again!
need to go talk to the people involved first.
new question... .
goodie... I thought you was refering to my pm.... you know "the confidentiality" that I broke... I am happy now... sok.
by Brummie inchanged my mind again!
need to go talk to the people involved first.
new question... .
eh hem... clears his throat at Brumm... I got your point....
I think if the confidentiality is broken only in the intrest of that person, for their safety... and NO details were given... then the kittie who broke the confidentiality should not be hanged by the tail for only looking out for said person.
Gee, I was just worried.
by Dansk inthere are a couple of ideas on this.
one is that satan is a corruption of the egyptian god set who murdered the god osiris and was avenged by horus.. the second is found in the religion of the persian zoroaster, who professed the good god ahura mazda who was at war with the evil god angra mainyu, later known as arhiman.
the zoroastrian concept of hell is almost a mirror image of the jewish hell, and zoroaster's religion even had the concept of a purgatory, as well as a last judgement.
I get this question often when someone sees the pentacle around my neck (for me representing man inside of "god"..or infinity)
While I follow no specific structure of belief, I believe that Satan... is a "fairy tale". There is the belief that "devil" and "god" represent concepts of good and evil rather than actual beings. That they are themselves, faces of that which is greater than ourselves. or the part of our "higher self" that we cannot comprehend ie. "magik", esp, and telepathy. There are also other beings that "represent" other concepts check into faries, gnomes, elves etc.
The problem has arisen througout history when man says... "my concept of this face is superior to yours, I alone have the true path, which you must follow"... not being able to simply exist with what they choose to believe.
I do believe in the dweller of what you call "heaven"... but not that this being is a judgemental creature. I have a hard time with the idea that man, will be judged eternally based on a short existence here.
of course... I was raised a dub... see what it can do for you? make you... eh eh (shakes his hand back and forth) But I think you are on some sort of "right" track with your studies... though do not expect others to be able to accept it. The mind is not built to comprehend infinity... truly. There is no "right" answer I think. What is real for one... may not be for another. some see signs in lightning strikes... while others see more.. scientific side of it.
For those who ask, "why, God?"
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!
a dear one asked me some questions recently, including why god isn't... doing "anything"... and what is he doing.
for reasons of confidentiality, i will not name the person, but i am going to post some parts of our discussion, because i think it may put some things into "perspective" for some who truly wish to know:
I do not claim to know the dweller of the heavens any better than you do. Nor am I going to judge you for what you believe. But... you at least seem to be a KIND person. How do I put this? Sweetie, somebody is going to nail you to a hunk of wood if you keep telling people this stuff. It isn't the day of the Nazarene anymore... they put you in one of those lil room with rubber lining... electro shock therapy and such.Bzzz Bzzz ... it is NOT pleasant.
I get what you are saying dear, and you are obviously well versed in the written word. But it is dangerous now for you to be out like this. Just... please be careful with this thing, before somebody takes you serious. I am not trying to badger you... but even you must take a step back and SEE what you are saying here...
Got a phone call from my Elder dad
by Elsewhere infor those who don't know by background, i was raised in the organization, third generation.
there are many elders, two anointed, a po and many pioneers in my family with all sorts of contact with cos, dos, and people in bethel.
to get to my point... my father just called me.
man, I was on the edge of my seat about to put my face right in the monitor trying to read this fast enough.... heart pounding all the way through.....
this was posted here once before, a long time ago... I hope I didnt mess up the copy/paste thing... but I thought it applied:
Often in Nature,
The female of any species,
is left to Endure and Succeed,
In life's Greatest Challenges.
Hidden away in the Female Mysteries,
are the secrets of the Ages.
Blessed Be her Womb,
From Which all Life Flows.