I just have to say this after reading the rest of this thread....and it isn't to anyone in particular... Just my opinion, and this isn't a "feel sorry" for anyone, type post btw.
Although when Northern Girl first came here, I tried to open up to her, and get her to do the same; I later realized (or thought I did) where she was "coming from". I saw that she was here to make trouble, or Judge others, or defend the org. . . . and I got mad... real mad.
But then, I see that she returns. And sometimes she is happy and sometimes she is not. We (meaning me as well) have accused NG of "seeking attention".... or "stirring things up" or whatever... but.... isn't that sorta what it is all about??? I mean, don't the ones that need the most help, have the most anxiety and doubt.... aren't THEY the ones that we should tolerate the most? I really dont know the answer here. Aren't the ones who are the most troubled about this thing, going to also be the ones who have a hard time coping and relating to other people???
I am in no way suggesting that any personal insults be tolerated. Nor am I suggesting that anyone "tip toe" around those who come here and spout off about how we are all doomed. I have just thought about this for a few days, and it is just my thinking; that obviously Northern Girl, has a reason to keep returning here. Attention? maybe.... hell that is why I come here... I want to share the "attention" of everyone here... make friends, learn about people, learn about others here who have the same doubts, and fears that I once had. If we didn't want "attention"... we would be watching T.V.
Northern Girl,
You say you are reinstated, and if that is the case and that is what you really want... then great! I don't think you really want to shut the door to this board though... or you would have done that already... for some reason you keep coming back.... for some reason you.... aren't done yet here. I hope you find what you are looking for. I would just about say, that if you let down some of those barriers that you let the Watchtower put up around you, you may find that these folks are willing to try to listen to you, and give you advice.... I mean, after everything... people are still trying to reach you. They aren't going to "disfellowship" you here... you are never going to post a thread, and not get a response. No matter what happens... this is not the Kingdom Hall. People here won't abandon you because you have an opinion...
You stick around for another six months.... give it that long... if you don't gain anything from it, then just forget it... nobody here will come "council" you for missing meetings. Try and open your mind a little, and that doesn't mean give up your beliefs... be willing to share without judgement, and I think at some point, you might find out something about yourself.
**Just remember that I am the one who is the first to jump your butt, if you hurt someone's feelings.... but I would also be one of the first to try and help you if you need it..... if you ever need help, you can pm me, and I will see what I can do.... I am just a dummy, but I have been where you are now.