MJ black or OJ black.
now thats damn funny lmao
men are obsolete!
MJ black or OJ black.
now thats damn funny lmao
i'll start with "never do business with a jw".
they will take advantage of you, "but brother".
they will use your good credit, your good name, and then beg off on any deal you might have had, legal or on their word........................whose next?.
Please will you hold my Kalashnikov for a minute or two as I need to go to the loo?
lol i like that one best............
ask them to store your porn........ then show up with five or six plastic totes full.......... lol...... i had a friend who wasnt a jw do this to me........ hey can i store some of my movies at your place till i get moved............ um ok sure no problem......... yeah i dont wanna ruin my DVDs..............
he had 12 large plastic totes like those rubbermaid ones about 3x3x4 in size......... maybe a little bigger.............. come to find out the movies in question............ were 100% porn and i told him hell no.
if it woulda been regular dvds.... no problem........... but not sixty million dollars worth of porn in my spare bedroom.............. i know my parents woulda came over and wonderd what was in the totes and looked.........
i'll start with "never do business with a jw".
they will take advantage of you, "but brother".
they will use your good credit, your good name, and then beg off on any deal you might have had, legal or on their word........................whose next?.
I'd probably avoid saying anything that would offend them. They are afterall people too. I am always willing to hang out with JWs, JWs just aren't willing to hang out with me.
problem is you can offend them without saying anything.......... they take offense at your 2 door car.......... they take offense that your not sucking the ass of the GB
hell they take offense if you give jesus his due respect................
looking at the gopher thread............. we got us some good old fashioned redneck gun afficiandos................ just curious......... whats your top ten wish list.... pairs dont count as two.
) a pair of les baer srp's built on a para ordinace p 14.45 frame......... all stainless but with baer coat im thinking olive and i want the light rail.
) a pair of consecutive sn ruger vaqueros in .45 colt w/ extra .45 acp cylinders rebuilt by gary reeder or doug turnbull..........4.5 barrel.
to those who are still jw and former jw.
did you ever celerbrate xmas behind closed doors.
regardless............ merry christmas all
better catch these bootlegged videos before youtube pulls them.. stairway to heaven.
concert via DVD............ the beers colder and cheaper............ the seats are cleaner...... and its the price of ONE ticket lol
i've been training with some uniquely gifted folks at my place of employment.
life has done some seemingly impressive things with them.
one who's spent numerous years in the marine corps is an excellent asset to the company as are others who've likewise spent time in the military.
first off im gonna call bulls***............ we look at those people who SEEM TO HAVE IT TOGETHER............ they dont.......... they just seem like it. are they more together than we are......... probably so.
second....... awesome thread.............. there are things that everyone should experience............ and the jws cut it out of you with no pain killer.
YOUR CHILDHOOD....... instead of spending it playing or participateing in fun activities......... they force you to spend the only free day......... in freaking feild circus......... wtf. your forced to grow up fast because of that. when you should be doing child things and acting the fool in a harmless way.......... they make you look and act like an adult.......... then later on when you see throught their lies and bulls*** the first thing you want to do is go back and get ignorant and immature. so you do some of the things you didnt get to......... maybe you do get laid......... or drink to much .......... or smoke/do drugs............
so now the self righteous pricks can say seeeee the dogs returning to his vomit........ when in reality MAYBE we woulda tried some of them and decided they werent for us............. but now were hurt and in turmoil realizeing that the cult we were giving our all to is as evil as any religion they have been condemning all these years.
so when and how do we grow up? i was in my 30s before i did.......... married.......... not long before i was a parent. and the realization i had was............. F&^% that i refuse to do cater to my jw parents bulls***.
they wanted to act the typical jw.......... when i wasnt doing anything wrong.............. just not part of their cult anymore............. F*&% that and F&^% them. if they wanted to quit calling me.......... FINE........... when i called them to tell them that i was gonna be a father.........(im the only child they have that is likely to be able to have children) and they hang up after speaking to me for 5 minutes........... hell it was probably closer to 3.
i realized....... i made my choices......... and somewhere along the line i BECAME this grown ass man.......... i realized that leaving the jws was gonna be hard........... but i couldnt allow myself to remain....... come what may. i also wasnt gonna cater to them and thus be postively reinforceing their bulls*** beleifs that they were right and i was wrong.
THATS when i realized that i make my own damn way, and my decisions were sound and reasonable.
hell i still can act the fool and be childish and immature........ but when it counts i take my stand.
i guess the parents can appreciate this one, and this is a very imporant issue since kids are a huge part of your lifel.... have you noticed that meetings are so not children friendly?
you are expected to keep you children, regardless of age, quiet for 2 hours.
the expectation is that they are as quiet as an adult.
yeah the witnesses always use the fact that they worship as a family to try and snowjob their drones into beliveing their bulls***. reality.......... you either think of the problem ahead of time and make it so you have a place for familys to TAKE their children when they misbehave.......... or you separate them from the start.
the place i like going to church makes you check in your children and they give you a card with a number....... now you can take them into the sancuary if you want.......... but if they are getting to roudy or wont sit still you can take them to the childrens ministry and check them in............ now if they start throwing a ring tailed fit............ they will flash the number from your receipt so that you KNOW to get your hiney to the place cause there is a problem with your little angel.
gives you the freedom of choice............ and lets your child play with other children their age...... while participateing in fun christian things that makes them actually learn something as well.
looking at the gopher thread............. we got us some good old fashioned redneck gun afficiandos................ just curious......... whats your top ten wish list.... pairs dont count as two.
) a pair of les baer srp's built on a para ordinace p 14.45 frame......... all stainless but with baer coat im thinking olive and i want the light rail.
) a pair of consecutive sn ruger vaqueros in .45 colt w/ extra .45 acp cylinders rebuilt by gary reeder or doug turnbull..........4.5 barrel.
well my friend who is a cop.......... he can shoot......... problem is there is no way in hell he can run................ he makes the stay puff man look anorexic.......... this bastard is prolly 5 6 and prolly weights 350 at least 300 bare minimum lol.
he had a select fire ar15 a select/fullauto G3 and something very much like a mp5, plus hes always tradeing.......... sometimes he has an uzi and sometimes he has a .45calibur mac........... i swear he has 500lbs of firearms and ammo in his trunk............ when is enough enough lol