Our guradian angel always ended up at the coffee shop on Saturday mornings...no matter how hard we tried we always ended up at the coffee shop...clearly angelic direction.
There was also the time a group of thugs cornered me in an alley and I started screaming for my guardian angels to help, he was reluctant at first but after I wrestled with him for a few minutes the thugs got scared and left...They didn't want to mess with either of us, then we both got drunk.
The angelic accounts often presented by the WT never took into account the possiblity that people sometimes do the right or noble thing. One account I remember was how Natzi's checked a JW house in Germany and walked right by a small rotary printer being used to make banned literature...cleary the angels blinded them to protect Jah's servants and preaching work...or is there a possibility they overlooked these on purpose because they knew what would happen to this family if discovered or that they just simply overlooked it because they were looking for literature.
I personally do not believe in Guardian Angels, Gremlins in my car maybe but Angels...naw