I just discovered something I have not seen anywhere before. I was looking at my old "All scripture inspired" book, and I say old because it was the first edition from 1963 and I had used it for years. According to the WT CD there were revisions in 1983 and 1990. I came across this little goodie under the book of Daniel. In my book it says this: *** si 139 Bible Book Number 27-Daniel (1963)***
9 Dream of a dreadful image (2:1-49). In the second year of his kingship as world ruler, 606-605 B.C.E., Nebuchadnezzar is agitated by a dream.
On the 1999 WT CD, this is what it says:
*** si 139 Bible Book Number 27-Daniel *** 8 Dream of the dreadful image (2:1-49).the second year of his kingship (probably dating from
The changed wording I find interesting. ..."probably dating from Jerusalem ?s destruction in 607 B.C.E."? Other places in their literature they have directly said he took the throne in 624 B.C.E. to make it fit with the 607 date. Did they figure it would have been way too obvious if they just blatantly changed the date? I have a scan of the book but can't figure out how to post it. If someone is interested and wants it I will email it.