JoinedPosts by scoobydont
My Explanation of Why They Got it Wrong About Blood Using Only the NWT
by cofty in10 " any israelite or any alien living among them who eats any bloodi will set my face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from his people.
12 therefore i say to the israelites, "none of you may eat blood, nor may an alien living among you eat blood.
15 'anyone, whether native-born or alien, who eats anything found dead or torn by wild animals must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be ceremonially unclean till evening; then he will be clean.
Marked. -
Shunning Disfellowshipped & Apostate family Members. Scriptural?
by objectivetruth inanyone who is a witness or was previously a witness, is aware of the written & un-written rules concerning association with disfellowshipped family members.. there are a multitude of quotes through out the watchtower publications, but these 2 will suffice.. "are you proving yourself holy by not associating with family members or others who are disfellowshipped?
"the clear instruction in the bible is: avoid them.
that means that we have to stay away from them... the bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them... what must we do to avoid false teachers?
The hypocrisy of the WatchTower Society is quite frightening, sometimes ! I will try and post a link to the AWAKE, January 8, 1947, in which the organisation attacked the Roman Catholic Church's practice of excommunication.
Go straight to page 27 of the publication and read for yourselves, the WTS's thoughts on excommunication. Pay special attention to their rejection of the practice of excommunication and the Bible verses upon which the Catholic had based their practice, and then compare those same verses with the Bible verses on which the WTS now bases its practice of disfellowshipping members who refuse to toe organisational line on some issues !
The very instrument of repression which they decried about the Catholic Church and which the Church has since discarded is what the WTS has unabashedly picked up and now wields as the new "god-inspired" rod of discipline ! The WTS justifies the practice of disfellowshipping non-conformist members, using some of the very Bible verses on which the Catholic Church had based its practice of excommunication !
I wonder if the WTS, in embracing the practice of disfellowshipping, now believes that the Catholic Church was right in excommunicating its erring members ! Talk about flip-flopping and the dog returning to its vomit !
If there is any active JW reading this thread, do you not find that a tad disingenuous and dishonest ?
1906 Training for Colporteurs - a real eye-opener
by Lady Lee inin my wanderings around the net i have discovered some very interesting things.
this particular piece is based on a training session for colporteurs during the believers in the atonement sacrifice of christ convention held in ashbury park new jersey july 22-29, 1906. .
i will bold some of their comments that i found interesting and will add my comments in red.
Hello, Lady Lee. That is a lot of effort you have put into this thread ! Thank you. I just had to add my own two pence to the thread as one cannot read the speech and be unprovoked ! Here are just a couple of excerpts that got me really mad:
"...Be smiling, kind, etc. Be over polite, or more than etiquette would demand. If you get half a chance to thank a person for something, do it"
That just typifies the dominant trait of the "love" that many JWs have for each other and those they preach to. (By the way, did anyone get those plastic, overly friendly and bordering-on-the-insincere smiles at the Kingdom Hall and Conventions ?)
Like drones and robots, many JWs are devoid of real feelings for humaninty except for the "Mother", of course. This, to me, is why the average JW finds it easy to apply shunning right upon the say-so of "Mother" ! Their professed "love" is something they can switch on and off, just like that, to use the old expression ! Bloody sociopaths !!
"...If we do not put the book into people’s hands, we do not reap the wheat, so I believe in working and spending my time where the most can be accomplished in the same length of time...for I could spend my time where it would do more good and I feel justified in doing so."
So, why are JWs being made to beat the life out of the roads and pathways, in areas that are clearly unreceptive to the "troof" - going back again and again and again to the same people whom you damn well know are not even going to humour you by coming to their door ?!
I know of brothers and sisters who have worked the same territories for 30 - 40 years and have not had a single Bible study from there. Oh, yes, cue in the lessons on "blood guilt". We can't be the ones to decide who lives or dies at Armageddon, you know !
You know what ? As disgusting as I find those excerpts from the speech, I have to admit, reluctantly, that the speaker certainly used his head and knew how to work "smart", which is a lot more than can be said for the current crop of JWs. Really, though. these JWs are no better than those dodgy salesmen and cold callers you often warn your octogenarian mum about ! My life could have been a lot different if I had never been a JW - just looking back at missed opportunities !
Well, I wish everyone here a happy 2015 !
New forum 'parousia' is upon us! (software version)
by Simon inthe time has nearly come to switch over to the new forum software.
of course it's not completely finished yet (and never will be) but i think it's good enough to go live with and probably already better than the current one.
i'll give you a quick overview of what to expect and post more detail about the changeover process later.. cloud platform.
Just a simple but deep "thank you" from me, for the immense value that your work, and this site, represent for JWs who are at various stages on their journey to freedom. This site is not simply one for JW-bashing. It is also a support forum for recovering ex-JWs, like myself, who visit on a regular basis, just for the therapeutic value of it.
Thank you, too, to all original posters and contributors to the various threads on this site. Your efforts are what have turned this very site into a treasure trove. I am still relatively new to the site but I think we should all do what we can to support it. Whatever form of support that may be needed, it would never compare with the effort, time and money that, once upon a time, we happily gave to an organisation that was set up to use and abuse us. Who knows what the future holds for the site !
Have a good day, everyone !
Series of articles about the March 15, 2015 Watchtower on
by Gilgamesh inover the next 5 weeks, we should have 5 or 6 articles/posts that will provide more commentary on the march 15, 2015 watchtower.
important doctrinal changes in march 15th, 2015 watchtower (study edition) explained .
Marked !
Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)
by slimboyfat inafter some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
What if someone from Slim's congo was on to him and he decided to do something about it ?
I reckon this post was made to appease and shake off those on his tail.
Like a few other posters before me , on this thread, I think Slim is here in "parousia" and being ever so cautious, just in case...
Anyhow, sorry Slim, if you are offended by my conjecture. It's only because the spirit did reveal to me that , somehow, you have retained an eye on this thread !
What were the calculations used to arrive at the 1874 date of Christ's return?
by Zoos inwe all know the calculations used by the wt to arrive at 1914. fall of babylon in 607 (false year), gentile times, no zero year, ta-da, 1914.. what did they use before that?
i know it wasn't russell who came up with it - he just adopted it.
i'm just curious what they had to explain away when they made the transition.. .
@ VANDERHOVEN7: The entire religion is based on speculation.
I disagree with that view. Please, this is no time to be kind to those wolves ! It might well have been the case when Russell started out...probably the only 'honest-hearted' leader the organisation ever had. But upon his death, Ruddy Judge only saw a business venture or cash cow that needed to be kept up at any cost, of which fabrication, lies, deceit and coersion of members would become the way forward.
Subsequent leaders or GB members who may have believed at some point that the organisation had been divinely appointed were simply too astonished to find, on getting to the very top, that the leadership didn't have the divine connection that previous leaders had claimed !
What a farce, they soon find out! But they are not going to walk away from an organisation that had sucked so much out them. Now, it's their opportunity to take back, with interest, all they had ever given to the organisation - unlike many others who had given their all and had been left by the wayside to face a miserable end.
So, they simply carry on promoting old lies and fabricating new ones to sustain the old. It is this line of thought which has led me to conclude that any serving member of the GB knows TTATT but, hey, show must go on ! It's a bit like that adventure in the Wizard Of Oz.
Brother Knorr's Cadillac and other secret perks
by tim hooper inback when i was a wee lad, my dad told me that the brothers in brooklyn had voted to purchase a cadillac motor car for the sole use of the then president, nathan h knorr.
he'd got this information from the london bethel, him being a chum of the then branch overseer, pryce hughes and his pal ron drage.
religious leaders of non-profit sects are supposed to take a vow of poverty!.
Sweet smoke ! This is marked !! Thanks, Hooper !!!
After Years of Silence My Father Reaches Out to Me
by truth_b_known inbrief history:.
i was a born in.
my parents were uber-dubs, but never worshipped the organization.
2014 AGM - Splane and Pyramids
by berrygerry injust read a comment on a site that said:.
"at the annual general meeting this year at stanley halls it is on david splane said the pyramid of giza the bible students believed in for calculating time periods were from pagans".
wasted 2 hours watching the am on jw tv.. splane indeed says this, and that br.
Anyone with a link to Splane's speech, please ? I saw it somewhere, previously, and should have saved it !