Topics Started by Syme
China Number One Already?
by metatron in
this chart surprized me!
the chinese are racing towards economic domination.. .
Who wants to live forever?
by Doug Mason inwhat will living be like after 5 billion years?.
I told the elders that I would take blood and donate blood
by Daniel1555 ini found it important to be honest with my wife.
so i told her about my conscience decision that in a medical urgency i want blodless medicine but if a transfusion of blood or the 4 prohibited components is necessary to save my life or health i would accept it.
this would apply especially also for our child (that is not such a problem as in our country the wts recommends to comply with doctors as they have the right to decide concerning minors).. i showed her the reasons why i came to that conscience decision (biblical and logical reasons) and that jehovah and jesus do not like anyone to die because of this wrong bible application.. .
Ok, now I know why you atheists get so spittin' mad at some believers.
by Julia Orwell incuz they feel like they're banging their heads against a wall.. i don't really fall into the category of atheist or believer, but i'll go where the facts lead me.
that generally leads to atheism, and is why atheists end up getting mad and therefore rude at believers: they will lay out facts, raise questions, play devil's advocate, and reason in an evidence-based, structured way.
i've seen it many times before on this forum.
So you really want to join Bethel?
by bats in the belfry in.
part of the questions being asked you would think you are subscribing to a life insurance policy.. .. .. .
.. .. .
Jehovahs Witnesses and Communist Parties similarities
by Syme inas an example i will use the existing communist party in my country.
the cp of my country is generally viewed as a rigid, stalinist party (one of the few remaining in the world), so it is a very suitable analogy.. the comparison will be as this: i will describe the characteristics of the cp and i will highlight in red letters the (in my opinion) characteristic that resembles the jw, although some characteristics are so similar, that this marking may seem unnecessary.... activity of members: every member of the cp is expected to read regularly the party literature, which includes one daily newspaper and one bimonthly magazine; not just read it though, but absorb it.
a party member is also expected to actively participate in party propaganda, which often includes (yes, youve guessed it) door-to-door activity!
Survey: Who Here Believe In God/The Bible? Who Are Not Sure? Who Do Not Believe?
by minimus ini think there are many that still want to believe in a god but just aren't sure.. personally, do you believe in a god?.
are you a "spiritual" person?.
First Post - Introduction
by Syme inthis is my first post on jwn, and i would like to take a few lines to introduce myself.. i currently am still in the organization, though my conviction in the last 1-2 years is more or less agnostic/atheist (closer to atheist).
i am an ex-elder and mts graduate, having served in another 3 congregations, apart from my home one.. the reason for the above-mentioned conviction shift has to do with science and rational, logical thinking generally, and with the grand theory of evolution, specifically.
it took me long, endless sessions of hard reading and study of serious scientific literature (plus cross-matching all the quotes and claims in jw evolution-related literature), to finally make the shift from utterly firm religious belief to doubt, and then to lack of religious faith.
Was Anyone Disfellowshipped Twice? How About Three Times?
by anewme inyears ago there was this guy ****** ******* i'll never forget him.
disfellowshipped 3 times!!!!
at the last dfing announcement the brother got up there and yelled into the mic .