First, my personal opinion: Why on earth would someone want to be appointed??? I mean, it is 2013 for god's sake, we live in the Age of Science and Reason, religion in general goes further down to oblivion, where it belongs. While humanity progresses in explaining the secrets of life and the universe, does this brother really want to be part of a medieval Inquisition with total lack of respect for human personal dignity? Does he really want to waste his adult life trying to convince others (by force, in cases) for an imaginary "End" which is always "round the corner"?
But everyone has the right to do with their life as they want: so, now, the politically correct opinion, from my experience as an elder. I'll use second person for convinience.
Don't ask the CO directly for the privileges thing. If you ask directly "What can I do to be appointed?" you'll sound "not humble", and it will probably cement your efforts to be appointed. Instead, arrange an appointment for field service with the CO, and ask him for advice with regards to your progress. Don't mention the privileges nor the BOE's stance. Your object is to become better as a person and a Kingdom worker; you don't care for offices. Ask for specific fields in which the he believes you have room for further progress. He is probably going to admire that straight (but humble at the same time) asking for specific advice. If the BOE's negative attitude is really showing, he may mention it on his own. All your speaking should have a positive, even happy, tone. Do NOT sound negative, or bitter, in ANY way. Better let the BOE sound negative, not yourself. Negative repels, positive attracts.
Now, about the CO overruling the BOE, it depends on the CO's character. If he is a strong character, he probably will be able to pass through his opinion on the matter, and even make the elders agree so that a unanimous suggestion is sent to the Branch. If he's not such a strong personality, the BOE will probably win. For instance, we had a CO who was very gifted, experienced, and VERY strong personality. Needless to say, when he wanted a specific individual appointed, he made the rest of us concur. On the other side, if he didn't see a specific person we suggested as ready, he would make us hold off the suggestion. But with others, not so strong, COs, the situation went the opposite way round.