You can easily find it on Just look up the study edition and date 2011.
i am in need of either a physical or scanned copy of the infamous wt 2011 july/15 pg 15-19. it's potentially for a documentary being produced and we are willing to pay.
pm me or email to [email protected].
You can easily find it on Just look up the study edition and date 2011.
why do jehovah's witnesses shun former members?.
loads of jws answered on this one.
kind of old but thought people would still wanna see it..
These people are in denial. I think they've reached the point of even deceiving their ownselves. You can clearly see how they generalize the disfellowshipping situation, without even thinking outside the box. It's only what the watchtower tells them too. I find it interesting how the first answer immediately turns against those who decide to leave and claim they are shunning the organization when the organization tells members to shun them! It's a very narrow viewpoint
as a "therapist trainee"(still have to take my license test) i worry about all of the religious people out there who might commit suicide if the rapture/armaggeddon does not materialize.
what if the bible is proven to be "a big fairy tale" will born again christians(bac) and jws kill themself?
i worry about some of my older jw relatives that have waited for armaggeddon for 50 years and are still waiting.
It don't think that there would ever be a mass suicide with the JWs. 7 million + people, it's too big of a group to do that. Plus things seems to be working for them so far so I doubt they will go off into extremes. The only way I see that happening is if there's a group that breaks off, a sect within the organization, or just a group of people that decide to literally remove themselves from the world, do their own thing, and become a death cult. That's how some death cults have worked.
when the wt went from charging for literature to voluntary donations, they took a hit but still survived.. i frankly see them having a high success once this new donation system is in place.
it will be a success and no dissenter or closet apostate will be able to stop it.
because although we hate the wt and would love to see them disappear, we cannot forget the ones inside will gladly donate, donate, donate.. just look at other churches!
It's true, people in the organization are willing to do whatever is necessary to support it. They're like very obedient sheep who will do whatever they are told. They see this arrangement as coming from God so why not support it? I remember when they were running the trials in my area, the letter said they needed a whole tone of cash, in the millions to but property and make buildings. I thought, woah that's a lot of money, but they two sisters I front of me looked all happy saying they could do it and earn that money! Every religious organization needs money to survive, it's just that money is viewed as a negative thing so they have trouble directly asking for it. This is a method that will last for quite a while to make some quick cash. The people don't question it, they just follow
i have tried to find the talk fear of giants... apparently there are various versions and i need to find the version that has him recommending the book angels and women.
what part of the talk?
(i don't want to listen to hours and hours of talks...).
What you could do is pull out the audio from the video, and add in the letters for the visual part. Or if you'd like, a picture of the transcript depending on how you want it to look. I know how to do it with a Mac, never tried a PC for that though it can be done
a couple of grads from the "couple's school" are now serving in the local congregation after finishing.
they will be here a year.
i asked what work he does.
Never heard this happening but I did over hear someone in my congegation say they plan to build houses for missionaries and special pioneers. Free houses to live in. They may not get paid much money or hardly at all in a direct way, but they still get all the necessary needs for free! Plus, free food from the congregation when they come around.
because it was the memorial today (yesterday for some of you around the world), i remembered something that happened last year at my now current congregation.
it was around the time of the campaign where the invites were being released.
now keep in mind that this is a congregation that's in a foreign language and the people who speak this language are scattered all over the city so the territory is very large and takes time to cover.
Because it was the memorial today (yesterday for some of you around the world), I remembered something that happened last year at my now current congregation. It was around the time of the campaign where the invites were being released. Now keep in mind that this is a congregation that's in a foreign language and the people who speak this language are scattered all over the city so the territory is very large and takes time to cover. Anyway, they go on the campaign, and the day of the memorial arrives. I get this text from a sister giving me the new address of the memorial location. I planned to go to my old hall that time so it didn't matter for me but I was surprised that they had a new location. So I asked her about it and she told me that they got the wrong address on the invitations! I started to wonder what if someone showed up to the address on the invite only to find the place unavailable. I later brought up the wrong address issue to an elder sometime after the memorial, and he had a serious look saying they weren't sure who put the wrong address on there and they were going to figure out who. I would have hated to be in that guys shoes.
any interesting memorial-related stories?
hey all - i was wondering if we can use this thread as an ongoing one to detail branch closings of the last 5 years or so and any moving forward?
i had a discussion with some members of my family, who are still dyed in the wool jws, and they didn't believe me about numerous branch closures in recent years.
i was trying to look up some threads that talked about it here (on my phone), but couldn't find a thread quickly.. thanks in advance!.
You can look at the yearbook numbers for that, just compare. From 2010 to 2011 you can see that they dropped by 20 branches. Jwsurvey has a couple of articles on branch closing and provides links to outside sources like news on them.
when bethel serves pancakes, do they give you a choice?
is it only 1 choice.
it sure would be a deal breaker for me if i didn't get to choose between bacon, or sausages.
Maybe there's a Bethel special menu, you know, pancakes with the logo stamped on them, maple syrup to baptize your pancakes in, wholesome non-worldy grown veggies, lake of fire toast, all provides by spirit directed cooks. Oh yeah, there's new light recipes so it updarea every now and then ;)
i was thinking today about how i no longer have to fear the attack of satan against the jws.
i used to fear being rounded up and beaten by mobs.
seeing my family tortured.
I remember thinking about this as a kid. I use to imagine how the persecution would be like, similar to what was done in Nazi Germany. I use to fear it and prayes to God several times to protect me and my family when that time would come and help us make it into the New World. My parents would use the persecution idea so we would not leave food on our plates or not to get picky about it. They said something like: "eat your food because what are you going to do when the persecution comes around? You won't have anything there to eat but old bread." Looking back at it now it's just crazy, I can't believe I thought that as a kid. Witnesses are still expecting that day when they will be persecuted.