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NWT alteration of Genesis 3:6
by Pronger1 inhere is genesis 3:6 from the nasb translation which is in line with other translations.. 6 when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.. here is genesis 3:6 from the new world translation.. 6 consequently, the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was something desirable to the eyes, yes, the tree was pleasing to look at.
so she began taking of its fruit and eating it.+ afterward, she also gave some to her husband when he was with her, and he began eating it.. the nwt leaves out part of eve's desire to eat the fruit.. "desirable to make one wise".. what is the purpose of altering the translation to leave out this important point?.
New May WT continuing to beat persecution/organization drum
by kneehighmiah incheck out the new may wt.
" is nauseating.
Their growth in membership isn't all that amazing when you take into account that 1) JWs are a minority religion, meaning they only make up about 0.1% of the entire world population and according to the most recent US Religious Lanscape Report by the Pew Forum, Jehovah's Witnesses only make up 0.5%- 1% of the total adult population within the Country. 2) other religions have many more members like the seventh day Adventists at 18 million and Mormons at 11 million despite having the simplant growth rate percentage today. And.. 3) the recent rates percentage growth of the last few years and last decade have fluctuated between 3% and 1% remaining mostly at 2%. Using the average publisher numbers the average growth from 2000-2009 was 140,380 people per year, less that 50% from 1990-1999 which was 200,853. Nevertheless, the numbers are still growing and will continue to go up.
intersting that they showed the peak publisher numbers in that article, despite that the August 15 2011 Watchtower says that a publisher may be counted twice in that number. Peak publishers are more than the average, easy way to look better for them.
Some memorable quotes I dug up
by sd-7 incult members often isolate themselves from friends, family, and even society in general.
is that the case with jehovahs witnesses?
are the witnesses using deceptive and unethical techniques to recruit members?.
Good research. The first one and the one about the numbers are real good to show. The last quote doesn't make any sense, what about the life or a child, doesnt he or she deserve to live? I mean a baby is still a living human being. Justyfing the baby's death by saying he wasn't circumcised or had enough consciousness to appreciate life completely ignores the reasons the Watchtower gives against abortion. Also, doesn't Deutoronomy 24: 16 in a way, contradict the Adam and Eve story?
Doesn't the ARMAGEDDON teaching foster a MORBID view of the future?
by Black Man ineven when i was dyed-in-the-wool j-dub, i felt the armageddon teaching was one of the most morbid concepts to be hammered into the psyches of jws.
think about it, only jws would survive this catastrophe, which translates to roughly .001 percent of the population would survive while everyone else would die a horrible death.
that includes people who do good things and are good people, but are just not jws.
This teaching is very morbid and repulsive. Like Redvip2000 said, JWs just think of the prize, screw everyone else since they gave out "the warning" and people didn't convert to their religion. I don't think they really put themselves in other peoples positions and realize there are other points of view than what theirs is and that's why many people don't follow them. This teaching was one of the things that got me questioning. At first I didn't really think of the everyone dying senario, just getting through and the after. It wasn't until I really thought about it that I started to see the bigger picture.
My mom (who's realized that I'm having some doubts and not really concerned with going to meetings or the field service) threatened me with death at Armageddon twice if I didn't follow the organization and get serious with it. What really hit me was the second time when she said that I wouldn't make it. She'd have to wipe the tears off her face and bury me, but then she said she wouldn't even be able to find me under the mass amount of corpses lying around. That made really pushed it on how repulsive they can get people to think that, even of their own sons and daughters!
I know of one elder who's told me twice that he wants to get Michael Jordan's or Kobe Bryant's mansion. He said he's praying to Jehovah to let him have that place and not to destroy it at Armageddon. The whole time I was thinking: what's wrong with this guy?? Doesn't he know what he's saying?? looking forward for someone to die so they could take their house is really messed up and sad.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 02-09-2014 WT Study (QUICKLY SHAKEN)
by blondie inthe wts?.
we request of you not to be quickly shaken from your reason.2 thess.
(1 tim.
Good analyzing Blondie!
They're really bring down the hatches on people now. they're afraid that people are starting to question things since it's been 100 years. During the meeting, the conductor gave an example to stay away from anyone that made a comment on disbelief of the new teachings like the faithful and discreet slave. He said it's a sign of an apostate or the beginnings of being one. One wrong thing to say and you're a suspect. Reminds me a lot of 1984.
A JW sitcom?
by Island Man inhas anyone ever thought of creating a jw sitcom?
i mean, there's enough humor and drama in jw culture to keep audiences entertained for multiple seasons.
we have judicial committees, c.o.
This could work, but I see it more as short skits on the internet like on a YouTube channel. There's a lot of people that do things like that nowadays with high looking productions, and it's not difficult to make. If it were a tv show, a group of different skits all put together (field service, elders meeting, family worship, etc.), or a mockumentaday style filmed like Modern Family or the Office would do. I'd make it the characters a JW family with the dad as an elder and have a comedic family friend from the congregation. Then they could come across different experiences that would be made funny, like one of the kids explaining how he had to resist the delicious looking birthday day cake at school, or how another kid competes with the family friend on who will place the most Assembly invitations at field service. Then you can see them stuffing the invitations in people's mailboxes and running door to door. I'm liking this idea.
The True Story Behind the Smurf Urban Legend
by God_Delusion inhi guys,.
i finally tracked down the origins of the smurf urban legend.
it's taken me a while to get this story so i hope you enjoy it.. please let me know your thoughts on it..
haha, good story, I can already picture this being made into a short "horror" film online like YouTube. I found it ironic that the smurf is called Apollyon since JWs believe he's Jesus.
Watching Amish Shunned on PBS...very deja vu if you are/were a JW!
by tenyearsafter inthis is a very interesting documentary...the similarities are so close, you could substitute jw for amish!
anyone else watching this?.
I'm watching it now. It's very interesting, there are many parallels you can make with the JWs; call for obedience, staying in place, women are to be submissive, rules of how to live life, shunning, seperation/fear of the outside world etc. But they're more extreme in their way of life and rules.
Anybody catch "New Girl" with Prince
by wearewatchingyouman ini just caught the last few minutes and counted at least three disfellowshipping worthy actions portrayed.
he was alone in his room with a girl.
he practiced magic.
I attended that Assmbley building as a kid, right up until they sold it. I didn't know that Michael Jackson helped fund that place.
Anybody catch "New Girl" with Prince
by wearewatchingyouman ini just caught the last few minutes and counted at least three disfellowshipping worthy actions portrayed.
he was alone in his room with a girl.
he practiced magic.
I saw most of the episode, it was entertaining. Prince sounded really monotone with his acting, like he was bored. Didn't know he had such a high voice when singing haha. The elders might counsel him on some points or give him a hard time just like they did with Michael Jackson. My dad was wondering if he was wearing a wig since he has his hair very long by JW standards