Brains and humour. Awesome combination.
Thanks for your experience.
two jws came to my door today and i dropped a few truths bombs on them.
i thought i'd share my account of how the conversation went.. .
i was in the yard doing some weeding when two gentlemen walked through the gate.
Brains and humour. Awesome combination.
Thanks for your experience.
not sure of the point of telling my story, but just got off the phone with my grandma and i am so angry, stressed and i don't know what else...i guess i just wanted to hear from someone other than my husband that i'm not crazy for my reaction to family interaction.. my condensed story gramatical errors and all :).
father was a born in jw, mother was a convert.
i was born the last of 3 siblings and shortly after my birth in 1981 my parents divorced.
Hi honey and welcome to the jwn family.
You have come through hell and survived. Your story both saddened and inspired me, why? Because you are a survivor and are proof there are good things outside of the WT. I am so glad you have a good man. Cherish him and keep positive.
As for this Uncle-Dad filth, I'd like to mash his balls up. Anger is sometimes positive!!!
Have you considered a wee bit of counselling? It might be worth looking into.
Thank you for your story.
Qcf xx
i admit i no longer believe in god and holy books.. thinking of the made up 'universal sovereignty' thing, surely if god existed in the way the holy books describe him then he could have thought of something better than humankind suffering thousands of years and the slaughter of jesus?.
couldn't god have said: 'well, satan is a very naughty boy but you all know how great i am so we can end it now.
i will lovingly kill satan and his mates and that's that.
I have to admit Punky, it's a massive leap of faith.
I like Kassad84's comment though.
It all seems a bit unorganized from God's usual works, nature and stuff.
for anything to be perfect, there has to be a standard in place regarding its function.. i love to use the analogy of a dinner fork.. if your standard for eating is the conveying of food from plate to mouth, a fork is a. perfect.
utensil for eating peas, fries, etc.. .
however--it is not worth much for eating soup!
Terry, would you say it was like building the Titanic?? Saying it was unsinkable, like. Unsinkable until it hit an iceberg.
i am not hot linking to jw borg, but they have a whole section for obviously very small children (become j's friend, with a whole array of caleb-related stuff).
i have actually never visited the site, today was the first time, because i wanted to check a technical information about their websites architecture and came across this sh*t!.
the way they are targeting small kids is nauseating me (i have a 5 year old, still in with her mother).
Words fail me.
so the wt states "the horsemen have made their appearance".
in 1914, jesus christ is pictured as riding a white horse-was given his heavenly crown.
All of that was over my head.
John was in Patmos drinking ouzo, a lot, I think.
Got reproved twice and marked.
been wanting to talk about this for a while... three years ago on this forum my friend cedars brought this up.
let's do it!.
The Panorama documentary here in the UK had a big audience. Mid 2000's about child abuse scandal in Scotland.
After all the Candace Conti news, I'd say media sources may snap up the idea.
Same old crapola. You haven't missed much then.
i had to highlight this part because i was dying laughing on the inside when it was given.. the talk first starts by the brother bringing out how clean gods people were in the past and how he gave specific direction to the israelites for disposing if waste.
then he said that a sister stepped in gum outside on the pavement so we should not chew gum at the mints instead!.
then he brought out an important point about keeping the bathroom sanitized and he says: "and just recently we found blood in the sink in one of the bathrooms.
Sounds like a bundle of laughs.