Thirdwitness: And both equal the days of Noah when people were living their everyday life taking no note of what Jehovah's servants were doing and saying. Then the flood came and swept them all away. A time period that lasted over 100 years.
What tricky propaganda. Noah and his immediate family are called “Jehovah’s Servants” are they? What is that supposed to convey?
Gen 6: 9 Noah was a righteous man. He proved himself faultless among his contemporaries. Noah walked with the [true] God…. 18 And I do establish my covenant with you; and you must go into the ark, you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you. 19 And of every living creature of every sort of flesh, two of each, you will bring into the ark to preserve them alive with you. Male and female they will be.
There is no evidence that Noah spoke to anyone about it. The plan only called for the saving of these 8 people. If that is not true, then what scriptural proof do you offer?
Gen 7:1 After that Jehovah said to Noah: “Go, you and all your household, into the ark, because you are the one I have seen to be righteous before me among this generation.
Sure some people would have been curious about what Noah and family were doing, but this would have been localized not some global news event. Most would have done just as Jesus said,
Matt 24 : 38 For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; 39 and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away,
There are lots of quacks today who think they are prophets and are building spaceships (Stanley Theatre comes to mind) or living in the jungle or desert awaiting for a passing comet to take them home, and we are only peripherally aware of what they do or believe thanks to CNN.
Likewise for over 130 years JW’s have been preaching (distributing pamphlets….take a serious look at the simpson episode mentioned above) and yet they have touched such a small part of the earth.
Since leaving the JW’s I have struck up friendships with 100’s of “worldly” people. I have yet to come across more than one who just happened to know a JW girl in high school who has a clue of what you believe and are about. Most have never spoken to JW’s, and the few who have, simply accepted a pamphlet or brochure after a sales pitch at the door or on the street.
What you people really stand for and believe is a mystery….even to many publishers who told me when I was serving that they didn’t get what it was all about either.
If you are an honest JW and an elder you know what I relate is true if you have ever visited your brothers in their homes and allowed for open, honest and FRANK discussion.
Contrast that reality and the complicated end times theology that you keep pushing with the simple Gospel and the words of Paul:
(1 Corinthians 1:22-23) 22 For both the Jews ask for signs and the Greeks look for wisdom; 23 but we preach Christ impaled,. . . (1 Corinthians 2:2) 2 For I decided not to know anything among YOU except Jesus Christ, and him impaled.
Thirdwitness: Likewise today, for the most part people are living their everyday lives not taking any note of the days or presence of the Son of man and that Jesus is gathering his people into one ark or organization for survival of the impending destruction to be brought upon this wicked system.
Pure nonsense. There is no
Ezekiel recognized that what saved Noah and his family, was neither the ark or any “Organization of Jehovah’s Servants”, rather it was his own faith and righteousness.
(Ezekiel 14:20) even were Noah, Daniel and Job in the midst of it, as I am alive,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘neither son nor daughter would they deliver; they themselves because of their righteousness would deliver their soul.’”
(Hebrews 11:7) By faith Noah, after being given divine warning of things not yet beheld, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this [faith] he condemned the world, and he became an heir of the righteousness that is according to faith.
Had anyone else alive at the time been worthy of salvation, God would have given them divine warning by reputable prophets who had been clearly sent by him. Not quacks who have blundered back and forth for over a century sputtering nonsense and providing no proof of the spectacular claims that they have made.