Auldsoul: He said there would be an increase in the number of earthquakes.Where does is say this?
Truthfully, it does not say this anywhere. The other term that is often debated is "Great Earthquakes" which is another supposed sign of "the time of the end". The bible refers to 2 "Great Earthquakes" which occurred after Jesus death. This and the symbolic use of "Great Earthquakes" in Revelation put the lie to the Adventist rhetoric that is often bantered about.
(Luke 21:11) 11 and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another. . . (Acts 16:26) 26 Suddenly a great earthquake occurred, so that the foundations of the jail were shaken. Moreover, all the doors were instantly opened, and the bonds of all were loosened. (Matthew 28:2) 2 And, notice! a great earthquake had taken place; for Jehovah’s angel had descended from heaven and approached and rolled away the stone, and was sitting on it.. . .
I will ask again from my post above. Why would a person who outspokenly pointed out that persons who where "seeking signs" are "wicked and adulterous" then turn around and give "signs" intended to attract such persons?
Matt 12:38: In reply he said to them: “A wicked and adulterous generation keeps on seeking for a sign, but no sign will be given it except the sign of Jo´nah the prophet.
Likewise, why would Jesus who warned against false prophets and teachers be snookered into using the most outspoken false prophet of our recent age as his exclusive spokesman?
How can people be grouped and classified as "faithful" when it so easy to demonstrate that they have been anything but? This can be done from their own literature. All anyone needs to do is look.
It is like arguing with someone about the holocaust. It would not be hard to debate the validity of survivor claims if it were not for the abundance of Nazi documentation that spells out everything they did in their own hand. Documented, dated, names, numbers the whole shooting match.
Similarly there are lots of religious leaders who have made arrogant claims and silly predictions. Later when they fail or proved false they can deny saying it or claim they were misquoted and taken out of context. However not so with the JW claims as such flip flopping doctrines, specific predictions as well as implied ones are to be found in their own publications. Yet these facts are swept aside and replaced with emotion filled rhetoric to draw a red herring into any discussion of the facts.