The WTS is a publishing company with no regard for research. Believe them, or get Gehenna. These people are too pompous to care about anyone's research needs. Aside, the buildings are full of the paranoid and would be afraid you/someone would steal their precious literature, or put a curse on the building. You can't browse crap, we asked on a visit to Beth-hell years ago, they looked at us like meddlers and theives. You would do better with a request to the Vatican.
JoinedPosts by lawrence
Bethelites -- how good is your memory?
by Fatfreek inthe only reference i can find to a library at bethel follows: .
watchtower, 1962, p. 636: "...10,000-volume library are found at bethel in brooklyn.
how large is the room(s)?
Jethro Tull - Your Favorite Songs and Albums from this Group ?
by flipper ingrowing up, jethro tull was one of my favorite groups as they had a great mix of rock , celtic mix , and great guitar from martin barre and ian anderson on flute was arguably one of the greatest flute players in rock n' roll .
as an interesting side note : my wifes 15 minutes claim to fame was when her ex-husband and her in the 1980's sold fish to markets , her ex-husband called ian anderson on the phone to see how he did salmon farming and talk about the fish business.
weird, huh?
Loved the 'Benefit ' album. Saw Tull twice, what shows! 'Thick as a brick' ranks up there.
The night my dad was disfellowshipped...I gave a talk, blah
by mac n cheese ini am trying to choose non-specific words in order to avoid being outed, but i suppose this story probably isn't that unique.
i was really close to my dad.
he'd smile when we pointed out any inconsistencies in people's behaviors, or noticed anything that didn't make sense.
Thanks for sharing -- what a friggin cult!
i am being called an apostate by some at the kingdumhell ,what should i do
by looloo inwhen i bump into the people who are calling me that name i would like to say something about what apostate actually means but im not very articulate (you may have noticed) one lady has said she will be polite to me but nothing else , im not even an ex dub just an ex study so do i actually qualify for that title in the "land of makebelieve"?
i know that jws think they invented the word apostate !
the more sarcastic ,the better ?
Avoid the hall! Why should you have to endure the nastiness of the mob? Life is short, please enjoy it.
Intro: I'm ONE of Jehovah's Witnesses
by caliber infrom the very first introductions to strangers we were reminded, (for a good witness to god of course)=(wt) that yes.
indeed i am one of jehovah's witnesses.
even as a fully dedicated believer through the merits of my own workmanship i might add i did not see that my religion.
Just remember the song's words - "we speak out in fearlessness, ours is the God of true sovereignty..."
Those funerals are a sham and a horrific display of ignorance and the lack of true compassion. Then again, I went to a Baptist funeral where the preacher was burying his teenage daughter and 10 minutes into the "speach" he gave an altar call. The hell with the fact that his daughter died, it was more important to save a sinner. His family was shocked, as were visitors. Nobody, not one person approached the altar. Some of these people believe they are Jesus, and respond with "the dead bury the dead." Love is rare in "Christians".
Did You Ever Really Do This?
by Outaservice in.
in the past whenever you went on vacation (holiday) did you try and find a kingdom hall to attend and also try and put in some service time?
Yes, we would visit other halls and went out in FS at a few of them. One hall we visited outside White River Junction Vermont was so COLD. We sat through 2 dead meetings, and then arrangements were being made for service. The wife and I looked at each other and decided to avoid doing RVs with 3 80 something COLD Yankees. A morgue had more life than that hall. We visited a KH outside Orlando and there were no arrangements for FS, everyone either joined Elder Prick at the Burger King restaurant, or just went home. So much for saving souls....
Surge in "anointed ones"
by dozy inthe nightmare scenario is slowly unravelling for the wts.. since 1935 , wtbts policy was to shut up the kingdom of heaven by implying that any new anointed was at best misled & at worst a fake.
franzs replacement theory did little to help matters.
this suppressed many jws from becoming anointed.. recent wt articles & changes in thought has resulted in a surge in jws claiming this status.
I'll be there to up the number. The BOE were pissed off when I partook in 1975 & 1976. The jokers at some KH this year will probably try to attack me when I partake. I'll make sure to keep the eyes in the back of my head focused.
This Past Week Has Been Hell!
by XJW4EVR inlast friday morning, my wife was attacked while waiting to transfer between buses.
normally, she has the car, and i commute to school, however this day i had to take the car in for some repairs, and then commute to school.
she fought off this guy for some time, and walked away with scratches, scrapes, and some bruises.
You and your wife are in my prayers.
Missing Link-
She's cute. Do you have her phone number? Thanks for the lack of name calling.
Missing Link-
Send your complaints to the Service Committee at Bethel, or to your CO. You think things are annoying, then just wait for the GT. You'll then be annoyed, you shmuck! "Off topic" - who in the hell made you king of the topics, or the tropics. Go do some field service, or get screwed, but do something.