Howdy Dave-
I agree with all of what you have said.
you must have the patience of job, i don't see how in the world you kept this site up as long as you have.
you have provided a much needed service to decent people looking to escape the jw cult.
you have been insulted, threatened, and everything else.
Howdy Dave-
I agree with all of what you have said.
it's already happening.
cut the head off the hydra (just an analogy) and more pop up, exponentially.
whenever a leader gets taken down by an occupier, their job gets way harder because tons more warlords pop up.
Yes Avi. One negative thought, many who were new here, and with much hostility, will not be able to share with others positively, and mellow out over time. Many of us achieved much healing here. Simon facilitated, and thanks goes to him.
we have known behind the scenes for a time that this was being considered, obviously.
i just want to express my personal appreciation for what simon and angharad have done here on jwd.
i found jwd just a few months after leaving the organization, and kind of believing that i was pretty alone in the world at the time.
Simon and Angharad-
I am truly saddened by your announcement. Thanks for the great site you provided. It sucks that thugs would threaten. May all go well with you and your family!
so last night, our cong asked us to pass a resolution.. what i noticed was, the elder reads the resoltion and then asks for everyone in favor, while he is looking down.. all of the dubs just raise their hands, and before even looking up, th elder says, ok, we'll approve this and send it off.. what a joke !!
why even bother.
just make the rules and tell them people, don't give them the illusion that they have a say in the matter.
I remember once when a brother, who had been booted as an elder (family not in "submission") questioned The Crooklyn Publishing Company edicts. There was a resolution and Ralph stood up and started "I respectfully have a few questions; specifically why is the congregation responsible for ...." Ralph was ushered into the library that night immediately after the song, and Ralph was no longer an usher on Sunday. Ralph was permanently on the shit list. Some of the elders even stopped visiting Ralph and getting free haircuts.
the mother went to the elders when the dad objected to the girl getting baptized.
this prompted a visit from the elders who counselled him for wanting to hold his child back from baptism.
this girl is immature even for an 11-year old.
Sure she's ready to get married at 11, have a few kids, regular pioneer, and hold a part time job. Maybe they'll start baptizing at 5 to get the numbers up.
according to the pope we do.. what do you think?.
is (philosophical) materialism really that bad?.
The pope and all the clergy (paid and unpaid) live in hells they create. A spiritual desert is a step up from their boogeymen and "dead men religiosities". No hell can be worse than what these self righteous hypocrits create. Jesus would be killed in every church today, and that says why these men feel the wasteland. They are the wasteland.
it looks like the wt is running out of money fast.
few weeks ago we had the co visit and he told us in the ms and elders meeting that he had never seen a letter from the gb like this one, but then he went ahead and read it.
the letter basically said: "the contributions are down and there is more people in the congregation.
The next BOE letter will define the newest arrangement: COs will receive 40% of their stipend based on congregation contributions. There will be a 100 club, and the best 3 COs (contibution yearly sum) will be invited to teach at the new SALES and SERMONS week course offered in various districts.
it looks like the wt is running out of money fast.
few weeks ago we had the co visit and he told us in the ms and elders meeting that he had never seen a letter from the gb like this one, but then he went ahead and read it.
the letter basically said: "the contributions are down and there is more people in the congregation.
Moloch demands babies, Moloch demands minds, Moloch demands money, Moloch demands obedience. The evil WTS demands more and more and still teaches times will get tougher and tougher. If a day's labor will be for a bread, then little will be left for the Downpressor Borg. They will go to hell without their billions.
page 24 paragraph 14 in the april 1, 2006 watchtower magazine says the following:.
gods organization plays a vital role in our spiritual growth.
it provides a wealth of bible publications that help us to grow in accurate knowledge, to act wisely when we are faced with problems, and to cultivate a close relationship with god.
Would a "faithful and discreet slave" join the U.N. as a NGO?