Topics Started by Blue
The latest silentlambs
by Blue inso what does everyone think of the latest silentlambs delivering the message of the sexually abused children to the kingdom hall?
What armageddon really is!
by Blue inmy poem beauty from ashes was inspired by my two children who are with me in spirit.
i would like to explain to all of you x jehovah witnesses what armageddon really is through my poetry.. the spiritual earthquake.
of a physical earthquake,.
I would like to share my latest poem
by Blue ini haven't posted for a long time.
i hope you all don't mind if i post my latest poem!.
by the fire of god?.
Murder police find missing girl
by Blue in.
i am so sorry for this beautiful girl was found not alive.
lets pray for her relatives and friends..
A blessing for everyone
by Blue ini hope and pray you all have a happy life,.
and that life is kind,.
and warm sunshine fills your life.. i pray that you will be happy and healthy,.
Jehovah Witness girl missing
by Blue in.
why are jehovah witnesses involved in so many missing persons reports?.
We miss you David
by Blue ini feel sad for everyone.. i think about how unique every person is.. i remember good and happy family times together.. my heart aches.. that we are a family at odds.. i wish we lived closer,.
and were really a family.. we understand that your faith is strong.. but we have a different faith.. hostility and discord are so painful.. now the one that fathered us all.. has gone beyond our call.. there is a wedding in the family.. everyone will be there.. all except the paul family in wisconsin.. we need to forget about rules.. also all the regulations,.
and go on as a family, with unconditional love,.
Why do they bury people that commit suicide?
by Blue inif they think suicide is so wrong and then drive people to it by disfellowshipping them or threatening them with disfellowshipping
Silentlambs, suicide and murders?
by Blue ini am wondering when the silentlambs are going to start lawsuits on all the people who were murdered or those who supposedly committed suicide.
also i am wondering if there will be any lawsuits on the destructive doctrine of disfellowshipping and breaking up family ties?