Didn't read the study article, but wanna toss some thoughts out there:
We all know their jargon: "brother", "sister", "this system of things", "an encouragement to others", blah, blah, blah. But some terminology is there to reinforce the indoctrination, so much so that the words used whitewash the crap into something it is NOT.
•"Slave" (also "faithful and discreet") = Master
Don't believe it? That is why elder(s) go-to question when talking to a questioning "sheep" (baptized person) is, "do you believe the governing body is god's channel on earth today?" They (gov bod) are your Masters. They cannot be questioned, denied, defied or called to account when their terrible, life-wasting nonsense bears no fruit. Ya know, except for wasted years peddling their literature, dogma, doctrine. They require any listeners to change and conform. And to put donations into the cardboard cube collection plate in the back of the hall. Multi-million dollar corporation (definitely into the billions after seling Brooklyn properties) does not need your $10/month.
- Why exactly does the "world wide work" need money when ALL of it is done by volunteers?
- Why do new kingdom halls need outside-the-specific-community funding, when prior to this past May's donation changes (now mortgages are paid by each and every congregation, regardless of the age and state of their respective halls), when previously the whole thing (KH builds) was paid for by the local congregations, who were billed for the free laborers, as tabulated on to that same receipt.
Oft heard - "think of it as a donation of sort to the WT society itself". Translation: pay, pay and pay to the people who are gonna own the building in the end anyway. Most, if not ALL, KH and Ass. buildings are owned by the Watchtower leadership.
•"the truth" = many, many lies.
United Nations was the wild beast of revelation. Right? Whilst the patsies were huddling at tuesday/thursday book study groups, gaping in awe at such timely knowledge, the Dear Leadership (aka the whole Watchtower) were members of the UN [1991 = applied, 1992 - 2001 = full-fledged members, ones who annually renewed membership, which was a contractual agreement needing a signature every single year for it].
And that's just to name a few of their lies.
• All "talks" from the podium = one-sided diatribes
They are answerable to no one.
Here is a link to an article where a man at the microphone in a KH in Massachussets projects blame on to a bible study who had revealed to her study conductor that the local elders had only read the first page of the new donation arrangement letter. The elders were lying about what was really going on with the arrangement and the 4-page letter proved it. So instead of owning up to it, they lambasted her as an 'apostate' in front of the entire congregation, knowing full well that she was connected through a phone tie-in:
• "apostate/apostacy" = anyone who will pull back the curtain and do what they tell you NEVER to do at all: look at outside resources about what exactly the Watchtower leadership is doing.
Oh, let us not forget the upcoming November 2014 WT study:
• being "holy" = blind obedience to leadership, even when they are proven false via scriptures/scriptural comparisons
Convoluted language used as a cover for deception is NOT what a person would expect their "loved" one to pull on them at all. Yet the Watchtower uses it constantly.