Very interesting indeed. Thank you.
JoinedPosts by baldeagle
Will firing the DOs be the first step to a new Watchtower?
by Juan Viejo2 inagainst my better judgement, i've decided to share the following as a response to guy pierce passing and the announcement of the elimination of district overseers later this year.. late in january (2014) i got an email from one of my contacts (a fader) who served at bethel for several years, but is no longer at wt hq.
he still has a lot of close contacts within the service department and in other departments at patterson and knows people in all of the ny offices.
i kept this email set aside on a flash drive and haven't shared it with anyone - figuring i'd publish an article about it later this year when i had more time to do it right.
Archive you might want!
by Atlantis inhere is an old archive you might want.. reexamine archive.
.. nevada.
Thank you Atlantis much appreciated.
BOE District Overseers- CONFIDENTIAL
by WatchTower87 ininstruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
no virus ;-).
boe district overseers- confidential pdf:
wannaexit: Good news. Glad some of the pompous DO's I've come across will be brought down a peg or two. Any Canadian remembers Wayne Johnson?
I had the misfortune of dealing with Wayne Johnson a real “piece of work” for several years, when I was still in and an elder. He was a self-deluded, arrogant power hungry man. He swaggered around the assembly hall, and had a very smug look all the time. He made sure everyone around him knew that he was the boss. I don’t think I ever saw that man crack a smile. He always looked miserable to me. I last saw him at a district convention around 5 years ago (my last one) he was sitting in my section. He seemed to have aged 30 years, his head down and miserable looking as ever. Looks good on him.
Pot...Meet Kettle. Kettle...Pot
by undercover infrom a new wt article (may, i think) about predicting the future.
and i quote:.
religious leaders sometimes predict tragic worldwide events to warn mankind and gather followers.
undercover: Good find. Thanks for sharing.
Old WT books and booklets etc on DVD (1870-1969)
by tornapart injust found this listing on ebay.
it's got all the old books etc.
that the wts don't want you to see anymore!
Watchtower-Free: Thanks for those links.
The Last BOE!
by Atlantis inthis is the last boe we will be able to provide.
our informant or source, was caught, disfellowshipped, and thrown out of bethel.
we knew that sooner or later the watchtower would find him out.
Sorry to hear this news. Thanks Atlantis and send my kind regards to your source.
Regional Convention Program Posted
by kneehighmiah in
i think i will want to kill myself during the friday afternoon symposium.
it should be called "how to not enjoy life or have fun.".
When I first logged on today and began reading this thread’s comments on all the talk titles for this summer’s convention, I thought, “Am I being punked?” I know some of you posters have a great sense of humor and can be creative & comical regarding WTS information. My initial reaction was these titles are a mix between genuine subjects, as well as some crazy bizarre sounding ones just for a joke!
I then went to to check and found out that the talks were all real subjects!!
Over the last 8-10 years it seems anything is possible and can be made into a talk. This will be year number 5 that I’ve missed. Good to know how crazy this religion has become.
A contribution from one of the members!
by Atlantis ina contribution from one of the members who doesn't get to post very often.. ... .......... ........................ ......... ..........atlantis
Going down memory lane. What a sad, pathetic religion this has been. It’s hard to believe that it has actually gotten worse. Were those maybe the good old days?
Why is it so hard to deconvert the JDubs?
by alonein321 ini was watching this q & a by peter boghossian (autor of the book a manual for creating atheists) on youtube:. .
around 17:15 min, he explains that there are difficulty levels when it comes to religions in aplying these techniques.
Data-Dog and Island Man you're both bang on! Good observations and comments made by all.
What was the "logical straw" that broke your camel's back?
by Pacopoolio ini had a bunch of tiny little nags that always bothered me about the bible/god/etc.
that eventually led to me drifting away, but this was my personal, singular issue that no one could address.
i think i mentioned it before here, but, for summation again:.
Everything already mentioned so far. Also this subject.
According to COC by Ray Franz the GB was asked by many branch overseers in 1978 to reconsider their stand and allow our young brothers to participate in civilian service (non-military) and avoid going to jail. The GB read these letters and voted NO civilian or alternative service would be allowed. (Jesus Had Spoken)
Fast forward 18 years later in the WT May 1, 1996 pp. 19-20, the Lord apparently had a change of heart and directed the GB to make “civilian service” a personal choice.
Two years later in 1998 the ever so clever and self-righteous GB actually blamed the brothers themselves for having “suffered needlessly.”
WT August 15, 1998 p. 17 Feelings of Having Suffered Needlessly
6 In the past, some Witnesses have suffered for refusing to share in an activity that their conscience now might permit. For example, this might have been their choice years ago as to certain types of civilian service. A brother might now feel that he could conscientiously perform such without overstepping his Christian neutrality regarding the present system of things.
7 Was it unrighteous on Jehovah’s part to allow him to suffer for rejecting what he now might do without consequences? Most who have had that experience would not think so. Rather, they rejoice that they had the opportunity of demonstrating publicly and clearly that they were determined to be firm on the issue of universal sovereignty. (Compare Job 27:5.) What reason could anyone have to regret having followed his conscience in taking a firm stand for Jehovah? By loyally upholding Christian principles as they understood them or by responding to the proddings of conscience, they proved worthy of Jehovah’s friendship. Certainly, it is wise to avoid a course that would disturb one’s conscience or that would likely cause others to be stumbled. We can think in this regard of the example that the apostle Paul set. 1 Corinthians 8:12, 13; 10:31-33.
What a crock of........