Marked, great comments.
JoinedPosts by baldeagle
Well, what can you say???? I am speechless.
by DATA-DOG inexhibit a:.
"if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
"But the Basics haven't changed"
by Phizzy ina couple of days ago in town i met a jw guy i have known since he was a kid in diapers, he is now an elder and must be 40 yrs old, still a kid to me, though.. he gave me the spiel about "we would love to see you come back " , i said that i could not come back to the religion i had left as it no longer existed (a line i got from my friend bill), this elder replied that there "had been changes, but the basics remain the same".. i just was not quick enough with this one, i just sort of nodded at that and went on about what i simply could not swallow as "truth".
overlapping generation etc etc.. what he was meaning by the basics being the same is that nothing has changed on the "what jw's don't believe in" front, i.e trinity, immortal soul etc.
the reality it is that the basics of jw/wt teachings about what they do believe in have all changed !.
Marked, good comments.
Keep Seeking First God's Kingdom - RC 2014 - Sunday
by OwnAccord ina world without satan (revelation 20:2,3,7,10).
romans 12- joy in the kingdom hope.
the spirit.. demonstration: family worship.
Thanks, OwnAccordmuch appreciated. “DEMONSTRATION: Brother talking to young brother who gave a good lecture in school about animals. Then they talk about what kind of animals they look forward to playing with. Tigers and gorillas.”
What a crock of…….!!!
(Ecclesiastes 1:9). . .There is nothing new under the sun. These assemblies are repetitive, lame and boring. They better dig up some old mentally stimulating talks about the “type and antitype” “grafted and grafting” etc. These young millennials (22-34 yrs. old) are missing out on all the great talks given years ago by the GB 1.0. Let them sit through that crap too. Instead they play around with their tablets and smartphones. Guess I’ll stop now!!
Keep Seeking First God's Kingdom - RC 2014 - Saturday
by OwnAccord injehovah's help break free.. "greedy people".
but the desire to have more money, power and.
helped student.
Great notes, thank you. Happy I’ll be unable to attend again.
"Keep Seeking First God's Kingdom! Regional Convention 2014 - releases and info
by OwnAccord ininfo from someone at the regional convention:.
(sorry about the format).
matthew 6:33 keep on seeking first the kingdom.
Thanks, much appreciated. Nothing new again.
QFR August 15, 2014 - Resurrection and Marriage
by wisdomfrombelow inthe article addressed luke 20:34-36 and now they finally admit jesus could have been referring to the heavenly resurrection.
they said "put simply, the answer is that we cannot say" which is surprising because they have something to say about everything.
perhaps all the old people who are waiting the new world as widow and widowers want to know if they have a chance to be reunited with their dead loved one.
This subject is receiving a lot of attention in many congregations. As mentioned some are comforted and happy that this article says, “It is possible that Jesus’ words about marrying and the resurrection apply to the heavenly resurrection.” Now factor in the great capacity for hope, imagination and expectation that JW’s uniquely have. Even with all the changes and flip-flops they will view this as the right understanding finally.
We all know this subject has been addressed numerous times in “Questions From Readers.” It had been very troubling for many individuals. The October 15, 1967 WT already mentioned here made these comments as well:
“It is understandable that Christians might be concerned about marriage prospects in the resurrection, since the strongest human emotional ties are often with regard to one’s mate. Many faithful servants of God who look forward to living forever on earth and whose mates have died would like to have support for their hope that they could be reunited as husband and wife in the resurrection. While not being callous to their sincere feelings, we must admit that apparently Jesus’ words apply to the earthly resurrection, and they indicate that those resurrected will not marry or be reunited in a marriage relationship with former mates.”
“This has long been understood and taught by Jehovah’s witnesses. As far back as The Watchtower of November 15, 1904, page 345, we read in a discussion of these verses: “True the glorified Church will not marry, but there is no reference here to the Church class, the Bride class. The question did not refer to saints, but to any ordinary Jews under the Law. . . . Nothing in the illustration implied that either the woman or any of her husbands were followers of the Lord.”
“As indicated by correspondence we have received, this conclusion is one difficult for some to accept because of the strong influence of human emotions. While we can sincerely sympathize with those who have lost mates in death, we must honestly admit that the conclusion discussed above is the one suggested in the Scriptures.”
This teaching needed to change and also provide a veneer or appearance of hope and possibility to all those still troubled.
“Evidently” Jesus thought the year 2014 was the right time to do it!!
QFR August 15, 2014 - Resurrection and Marriage
by wisdomfrombelow inthe article addressed luke 20:34-36 and now they finally admit jesus could have been referring to the heavenly resurrection.
they said "put simply, the answer is that we cannot say" which is surprising because they have something to say about everything.
perhaps all the old people who are waiting the new world as widow and widowers want to know if they have a chance to be reunited with their dead loved one.
Get used to it, just one of many changes and adjustments still to come.
30th Anniversary of THAT classic 1914 WT front cover
by wizzstick in.
please join with me, and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the classic wt with the front cover which boldly proclaimed that the generation of 1914 would never pass away.. the cover date of the that wt is infact this very day so let us raise a glass to this clear sign they have god's backing:.
in this the 100th anniversary of our lords return (invisibly of course brothers) it is a fine and appropriate thing to do..
Great reminder thanks.
WT 2014 - 08 - 15 ..... but congregations are not required to do this.
by fastJehu inyou are older?
you have no pc or tablet?
you can't handle computers?.
When I last attended five years ago the printer was in the elder’s private boardroom. Regular low life publishers did not enter this “holy place.” My wife who recently did KH cleaning says the printer is now next to a computer. I presume elders use it to access the website for letters, forms etc.
Demons and the Witnesses
by corpusdei inok, this one is a little long, but i think it's worth reading.
in putting this together, i came across a fair amount of interesting information about the witnesses and their belief in demons.
there's a lot that i'll be interested to put to the next witness i come acoss (if any of them still quite dare to talk to me after last time.
Marked for reading later.