- Darth Frosty
Thanks...I found that video excellent.
How can inperfect humans be judged by perfect standars?
if after you die you find yourself in front a god ready to judge you.
what will you say in your defense for not believing?
Thanks...I found that video excellent.
How can inperfect humans be judged by perfect standars?
i should have posted this a few weeks ago, anyways this guy tony prime has guts!.
check it!.
Well...I hope he feels better! Now maybe he can move on.
This reminds me of the mouse giving the elephant the finger...
Good, bad or indifferent who really cares what people think on this form or there? He did not care! He did not need anyones permission or approval.
He may have in powered new ones to question a Jw about what he said. You never know what can start someone to think... and start their path to freedom.
Should we do nothing or only do accordingly to established rules?
give me some examples of just how evil attorneys are.. please..
If you as a lawyer hide what u know is true...then yes, u are bad.
So that's the question for me is do u as a lawyer make a defense withholding information?
look...i am not an atheist.
even so, i have never had one prayer answered my entire life.
the only thing that would even come close was learning ttatt.
Not that I'm aware of! Or could give credit to.
Unless he only answers the ones that can't be proven to have a Devine intervention...ones that would of happened without prayer.
I watched the Following last night, were those prayers answered? Must not of been prayers according to his will???!
Seriously Give me a break!
So you are celebrating that people had to wash hands to avoid a disease your god created? Ebola is a pathogen, a living organism. According to your beliefs, the disease it all part of gods plan, he designed the virus pathogen at some point in time didn't he? Why....to CAUSE the disease. Now you thank him whilst washing your hands? It does not make sense! Also you were excited that for once you did not pass the blood and bones of a god under a full moon, celebrating his blood sacrifice. Do you think this has a pagan origin by any chance? Buy some history books and read up on your ancient Jewish beliefs! Celebrating hand hygiene to prevent disease and praising the same god who created the disease as a punishment is just ignorant. I am an outsider looking in, Guinea has lost over 60 people since January. According to your beliefs who created the ebola virus? Literally who designed it and brought it into the world, who created ebola? Adam? Eve? Satan? ......... God! Now with that in mind read your blog post once more!
ReplyGoof point Mr. Medic, but these people rather die instead of facing the fact that they dedicate their life to lies.
Replyyes, it's that time of year to recognize that southern belle of the great continent of africa, our own loubelle!.
may you have a wonderful birthday and know that you are treasured by myself and many others here.. .
Happy Birthday LouBelle...
jwsurvey posted a pic of the wt.org store in france.
that building looks like something you would find in the vancouver,b.c.
Interesting...so that where our contributions go?
i've talked with some good friends on the board about this before and we seem to be in agreement : one reason ( among many ) that some disfellowshipped jw's go back and return to the wt organization is because they are full of uneeded guilt or uneeded fear because they haven't educated themselves about how the wt society uses mind control tactics to deceive them into thinking they have " nowhere else to go " .
i understand that some dfed ones may go back to the organization for family and friends- however- it's an exrecise in futility because once you learn the truth about the truth you cannot undo what you heard.
so some may just go back and live a fake jw life to appease family- but just think of how that can damage a person's emotional and mental health playing the fake jw game the rest of their lives !
Great post Flipper:
I remember when I was first awakening...I would say I know they got this wrong and made an adjustment however they the GB-JWs are still Jehovah's chosen religion! It took several months for me to start to realize they may not be... then one day it just hit me and the wall started to crumble.
One too many wtf moments piled on top of each other.
It felt good but then I started to realize everything I put my trust, faith and hope in had just vanished.
I joined this site under the name SaysWho in April of 2010 and along with Jwfacts helped in keeping my sanity.
I had to re-join under notnew when I forgot my password. I think my one laptop is stilled logded on under SaysWho so sometimes I still comment with that one. ( just to keep things straight, in cases anyone was wondering why I end my post with "SW"
it seems like it is one huge contradiction.
but are they doing it for the purpose to try to guess exactly who in the congregation is on ex jw sites?
Apparently they are....THIS IS CALLED STALKING! !
Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related toharassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them.
many on this board are still in and have all the literature.
do you read all your books regularly?
do you have old magazines that you have underlined and still keep?
Same reason I keep mine!