It could be view as a Public Service...for your neighborhood.
- A sign could say:
Jehovah's Witnesses Harbor Pedifiles...
i am thinking of turning my house in to a ex-jw meeting place, getting bar, pool tables, ping-pong, foseball, pinball and kegs of beer on tap.
big screen singles pad for the local ex-jws to visit and hang out.
will this bug all the jws who live near by me, do they get weird around known apostates?.
It could be view as a Public Service...for your neighborhood.
Jehovah's Witnesses Harbor Pedifiles...
we all know the cliche that "men never really listen or sympathise, they just try to solve or fix things"?.
often people just need to vent or discuss issues..."get them off their chest".
i have noticed that jws are just like a thoughtless cliched man..... when speaking with people in the community, they don't really listen, they just look for a way to solve the issue!.
Someone has to...
black perosn beats up black girl for being too white or white people rapes another witness.. .
who f**king cares you morons.!.
let me explains.
Agree! And I believe the battle will continue...and evolve between male and female taking the front!
i put the kingdom first - by sheree stokell.
so they dunked me in a pool.
armageddon would be here soon.
it was just ok for could of been great...but the writer chose to attack the male gender also...the husband. So was the husband the problem or?
I put the kingdom first;
The boy was a pioneer
But after the wedding day
I was only worth his sneer.
I put the kingdom first
And never made a sound
I kept up wifely submission
While he slapped me around.
I put the kingdom first
And never had a job
My husband cheated and then left
Me without even two bob.
Not diminishing the abuse that women suffer but put the blame where it belongs...being raised or controlled by cult leaders.
I have on my protective hit me!
things ex-jw's need to know in order to heal and move on.. ***. cannot change what you refuse to confront.. look at how you are feeling most of the time.
that sense of going nowhere and feeling down is not because you aren't spritual enough.
20.You will never become who you want to be if you keep blaming everyone else for who you are now.
I have to figure out how to apply this since I work for and are surrounded by JWs at work.
I feel like Dexter...always having to pretend I'm "normal"... "like them"'s hard pretending to be of the Jw mindset.
child abuse in the usa.
child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children.
in the united states, the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) and the department for children and families (dcf) define child maltreatment as any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child.
Yes...without laying the blame solely on my parents!
just saw this and while watching i thought 'he might as well be talking about the gb!
' both ways, he's telling it the way it is!.
Yep...he nailed it! Now what will "you do?"
all my family members and friends (that include some elders) advised me to divorce my wife whose only joy was to pick up fight with me for everything i do, except my grand-mother who said: when you married her, you looked for only her good pointher regular pioneering despite having an opposing family.
for being good, you will ultimately reap something far better through her.
stick on to her.
Well good for you...glad it worked. So far!
It would be great if God did answer prayer!
So it must be that millions who pray for help, personally and for the well being of others don't know how to God lets people starve to death? Or other inhuman things happen.
What will happen...happens!
some of this will be repeat, since it's been a little while since i posted about my "bible study" sessions with miss k, my elderette.
we are talking about the name of jehovah.
thanks for talking with us today.
pattern of excuses.
" zion's watch tower 1894 jul 15 p.226.
(compare isaiah 8:11-13.
thanks, Terry... who can dispute the facts given? No one can!
That's what makes post like this valuable, the info is from those that say "we never said that".
It saddens me that like myself...millions put their hope, faith, and trust in the WTS teachings.
Lives lost, opportunities not taken and many with little time left to undo the affects of misplaced trust.