Why prophesy something that causes death...would it not be more fruitful to stop it?
definition for the word prophecy:.
noun [plural prophecies.].
1. the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.. 2. something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.. 3. a divinely inspired utterance or revelation: oracular prophecies.. .
Why prophesy something that causes death...would it not be more fruitful to stop it?
definition for the word prophecy:.
noun [plural prophecies.].
1. the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.. 2. something that is declared by a prophet, especially a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation.. 3. a divinely inspired utterance or revelation: oracular prophecies.. .
Are you able to prove one that came true?
If you can then I may give it a go...until then why waste the time hoping for something that may or not come true?
galileo is said to have uttered, or probably muttered these words in front of the inquisition after supposedly having reacanted his teaching that the solar system is heliocentric, as his predecessors kepler and copernicus had worked out.
(and a guy in 3rd century b.c greece !).
why was galileo unable to go back to his belief held by him in his youth, and nearly all people in christendom, that the earth was at the centre of the solar system and all the planets revolved around it ?.
to teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs
get it? If we did we would be going against God himself! AND BE PUT TO DEATH
galileo is said to have uttered, or probably muttered these words in front of the inquisition after supposedly having reacanted his teaching that the solar system is heliocentric, as his predecessors kepler and copernicus had worked out.
(and a guy in 3rd century b.c greece !).
why was galileo unable to go back to his belief held by him in his youth, and nearly all people in christendom, that the earth was at the centre of the solar system and all the planets revolved around it ?.
Oh my! It seems that the power of mind control is dismissed or forgotten By those who have been freed.
Anything presented by anyone except the WT approved had to be quickly dismissed as coming from satin.
My mind would not allow me to consider anything contrary to WT based beliefs!
But not now! Since I have been freed...why? I do not know however I am so relieved that I am!
Some have expressed to me how fortunate I am because most who were indroctinated arent so "lucky".
Take a short look back honey...god said don't look back longly...it will be all right.
Oops my bad!
as i was saying before the watchtower literature trolley has arrived in my little town.... my wife and i were in town this afternoon and i saw one of my former elder colleagues standing beside the trolley talking to a young man and reading to him from one of their books.
ray was one my least favourite people - he was everything that is bad about jw elders.
i went up to them and interrupted and told the man that this is a cult recruitment campaign.
**He wanted to discuss creation but his best argument was "there are still monkeys in the zoo"
call me dumb ass...but I said that also. I took what I was told from the GB-WT and never looked as to why this would be a stupid remark.
Perhaps less ridicule and more education is in order! Ignorance is not stupid...someone just dosent have the facts or knowledge.
Cofty...glad u treated them with respect!
one of my best friend's, who is an ex elder had two elders visit him at his home yesterday to invite him to the memorial.
he was cordial to them because they were'nt over the top.. so far, i have had no invites, thank god..
We had one stuffed in our door today. My wife said it was fitting since she was sitting on the pot when they came. So she flushed the toilet but the invite was still there!
hi fellow speakers (sorry, brothers only!):.
my first public talk, given in my early 20s, was actually a twenty-minute part of a symposium talk.
my pioneer partner friend and i each had twenty minutes and a "servant" had the concluding part.
Yes. However I only gave 5
when jws come around with their articles asking "is god cruel?
", i often point them to genesis 22:2:.
2 then god said, take your son, your only son, whom you loveisaacand go to the region of moriah.
Aroq: God knows before hand everything
So then...Jehovah knew the outcome of what would happen in the garden of Eden?
**if so then he's an evil pos..! he should not be worshiped, he should be ashamed and ask for forgiveness. Then make it right!
It now appears to me that these are all stories made up by humans to control others! F-them
one of my best friend's, who is an ex elder had two elders visit him at his home yesterday to invite him to the memorial.
he was cordial to them because they were'nt over the top.. so far, i have had no invites, thank god..
www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/meetings/ Memorial of the Death of Jesus. Once each year in thousands ... (Luke 22:19) The next observance will be on Monday, April 14, 2014. We invite you to join us for ...
Oh no does that mean we are all invited now!
Not yet!