Hi on the subject of anal intercourse, I remember being at a book study once, the book was the family life book, you must remember it, bottle green with horrendous ideals..anyway during this particular study, one middle aged lonely batchelar gave an answer about wives not fulfilling their "duties" by their husband. Standard crap blah blah blah and then he said that while at an assembly in Canada,(this guy was Irish like me and in an Irish BS), he heard a talk about sexual devients and apparently oral sex and anal sex were a big no no as babylonians and eygptians practiced these positions! Well apart from the fact that I nearly pissed myself trying not to howl hysterically at this answer, queries sprung to mind:
a. how would anyone know if you had anal/oral sex with your husband? oh I forget Jehovah would know and you would have to confess everything to the nearest elder!!!
b. also, I'm pretty sure the ancient civilisations also practiced the missionary position ergo is that disquailified too???
Also just to confirm, the geriatric elder and his wife backed this answer up 100%!