Tink, you make it sound so easy. Remember this thread?
um, when i said "is it that hard??" i guess i just meant "it sucks to do the right thing, but can't you do it out of respect for the other person at the very least??"
i appreciate that its hard to end a relationship but trust me if you are to the point where you'll violate that relationship by cheating then why would you hang onto it anyway?? i mean, god, cheating on the person you're with is going to hurt them SO MUCH WORSE when they find out than breaking up with them will.
No one really knows what they would do in a situation
i've been put in difficult situations before in which i had the opportunity to cheat on someone i was in a relationship with. i didn't do it. you know why? because it's a low, vile thing to do in my opinion. i wouldn't ever want to hurt anyone that way, regardless of whether i'm still in love with them or not.
my family was ripped apart because of infidelity. i've seen how damaging it can be and how many people it can affect. to me, it could never be worth it.